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Emma Jackson

A name that many love, yet she wasn't all what you would expect, when you think of someone who is loved by most, you would imagine some blonde, pretty, blue eyed girl, with amazing grades, amazing hobbies and talents.

Emma Jackson was an average person.

Emma Jackson was a girl with average looks, not to say she wasn't pretty - she certainly is - just that, she wasn't utterly gorgeous, but she wasn't hideous, no not at all, rather she was the type of girl you would see in the street and think 'oh, she's pretty'

Emma Jackson had average grades, she certainly wasn't going to be the next Albert Einstein - I doubt anyone could be - but she certainly wasn't the most stupid in the room, if you where in her class, she would be the one who's handwriting you wished you had, the one who's naturally smart.

Emma Jackson was born with average, common, lovely, dark brown hair, (she dyed it a while ago, although she does that quite often)
not that brown hair was bad - I had brown hair, I would know - no but blonde hair seemed to be so-well so appealing to anyone who saw it.

Emma Jackson was born with shining, blue eyes, it was almost as if they where jewels - diamonds- leading you through a dark path that only she could find the way out off, her eyes went deeper than the ocean, anyone could get lost in them if they looked long enough.

Overall she was average.


So what made someone take her.

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