Chapter .05

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Emma Jackson was seconds away from being completely submerged in the darkness the bridge offered.

She was relaxed.

Too relaxed.

Just as her body disappears into the dark, Alfie brown came behind her.

There was nothing she could do.

Not really.

Alfie brown would easily overpower anyone, let it be his large build, or his abnormal charm, perhaps it was that silver Tongue of his?

Emma Jackson felt a hand grab her from behind, her hole body tensing in alarm, she turned around ready to ask if something was wrong- if they where alright?

Emma Jackson had always been to nice.

Too nice, that it would come back and bite her in the arse one day. She had always been told that.

She just didn't know that, that day, was right now.

Just after our darling Emma had turned, she felt a hard quick pressure on her head, and then, darkness.

She had been hit, and rendered unconscious.


The disappearance of Emma Jackson Where stories live. Discover now