Chapter VIII - The Vampire

521 26 108

Timeline: July 2013

Word Count ~ 3.7k (HOW-)

TW: Blood, death

It took Xisuma a long time to understand Hypno. He adjusted to the group quite quickly, but seemed hesitant to talk to or spend time with anyone. He'd eventually figured out that the teenager possessed some kind of magic, but again, Hypno seemed scared to use it around anyone else. It wasn't Xisuma's place to assume anything, but he knew magic users were often frowned upon in the Overworld. Perhaps Hypno's behaviour was a repercussion of this attitude toward magic usage, or perhaps something else entirely.

However, despite how little he spoke to anyone, Hypno had remarked once or twice on the slowly growing community they had, and similarly to Joe, had asked Xisuma if he'd ever considered starting a server. Now that it had been mentioned to him twice, Xisuma decided that it was perhaps a good idea to investigate it further, and that's exactly what he did. Having very limited resources, his best source of information was Joe, who explained the whole affair to him as he continued to work on his set of armour.

"Servers are kind of like miniature worlds, parallel but not attached to the one we're currently on. You need administrative powers to create one, but I've been told those are easy enough to obtain, as long as you have a clean record and valid reasons to need them."

Xisuma frowned, setting down the piece of metal he'd been working on. "But I don't have any sort of record here Joe, I've only been in the Overworld for less than a year." He pointed out, and Joe also frowned.

"There's the catch, I'm not entirely sure if they'd let you have one if you're not from the Overworld." They admitted. "I know False won't be eligible because she technically has a criminal record, BDubs can't qualify because he's legally counted as a mob and not a person, TFC is supposed to be dead, Hypno is too young, and I don't have the best of relationships with the higher Admins."

"So what you're telling me is that the system is rigged against us." Xisuma groaned. "I was told things would be better in this Dimension, I didn't think that would only apply to certain groups of people."

"Well, someone's gonna have to change things, and maybe that someone could be you." Joe suggested. "I've said it before and I'll say it again Xisuma, what you and False are doing here has a far bigger impact than you think it does. You're helping people that the Admins won't, and I really admire you for it."

Suddenly feeling a little more confident after Joe's words, Xisuma smiled. "You know what, I think you're right. Even if I might not be eligible to be an Admin, there's no harm in trying, is there?"

"You mean you'd want to go to the Admins' HQ? You know the closest one is at least a 2 week journey, right?" Joe pointed out. Xisuma seemed to hesitate for a moment, glancing out across the valley. Sure, it was nothing more than a few buildings shoved awkwardly together, but it was such a special place to him. Creating a server would inevitably mean leaving it all behind to be overrun and claimed by time and nature.

Xisuma was about to tell Joe that maybe this wouldn't be worth it, that perhaps they could just stay here and live their lives safely and happily. But then he thought of his old home, how he thought he'd been safe and happy there, and what had ended up happening. The Watchers knew he was alive, and they knew he'd witnessed their destruction. They were still chasing him, and if he wanted any hope of keeping these people safe, he'd need to get to a safe place where those monsters couldn't find them.

Xisuma didn't care if it took days, weeks, or even months. As long as those killers were out there, he wouldn't rest until he knew those he loved were finally safe from them. He looked back over at Joe, who'd noticed the change in his attitude and was grinning proudly. "Let the others know that they should gather their things. Whether those Admins like it or not, I'm going to give this group the home we deserve."

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