27 - This is peace in my time.

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PREVIOUSLY ON: Dawn of New Change

With the Cradle in their possession, Tony manages to get Bruce on board to put Jarvis' matrix into whatever comes out of it. Taeyong is not at all pleased with this and decides to sit out, knowing there's nothing much he can do about it. Steve comes back with the twins and a fight ensues to stop Tony and Bruce from creating an Ultron 2.0

What no one was prepared for, was something entirely new. Also, Thor's back! 

Taeyong got his suit ready and charged as he went back into his own bedroom. He slipped out of the spare clothes that Barney had given him and into something a little more slick. Everyone was starting to suit up and Taeyong quickly pulled on a tight fitted, long-sleeve shirt. He threw on a pair of black bush pants and was about to walk out of his on-suit when he saw one of the twins in his room, looking over his wall of newspaper clippings.

"Hello?" Taeyong said, narrowing his eyes at the boy, Pietro. "Need anything?" he asked, setting his jaw and looking away from Pietro's penetrating gaze. Taeyong walked past him, out of his room and held the door open, motioning for the boy to do the same.

"No, I was simply interested in where the son of Tony Stark slept. Must be nice, living in such bliss and luxury," Pietro said, walking ahead. He was wearing one of S.H.I.E.L.D.s fitted suits, enough to help streamline his body when he ran. It was something that Tony had thrown in his direction when Steve gave everyone the order to suit up.

"Well," Taeyong swallowed, walking into the kitchen. "You know what they say," he poured himself a glass of water, "Ignorance is bli-"

"Bliss," Pietro scoffed. "Do you like living like this? In this palace?"

Taeyong smirked, turning and leaning against the kitchen counter. Pietro, even skinny and sunken looking, who appeared too weak to even knock Taeyong with his super speed, still made Taeyong itch. Taeyong, who had experience in fighting, who knew he could take Pietro on in a fair battle, didn't like his look. "Palace?"

"Everything is clean," Pietro stated. Taeyong furrowed his brows. "Have you ever been to Sokovia, before the bombs your dad dropped on us? Even then, we had colour and we had home. This place, so clean it reminds me of an office. Like in those movies."

"Yeah?" Taeyong sipped on his water and put his glass on the table. "Well... it-" Taeyong snorted, "I don't know what to say... you hate my father? Yes?" Pietro was quiet for a second but eventually nodded. "And by extension, you hate me?" He gave another nod and Taeyong bit his lip. "Can I ask why you didn't go for the United States Air Force?"


"US Air Force," Taeyong clarified. "Dad might have given the gun but I think... I think I've always wondered why you didn't go for the guys that pulled the trigger?" He titled his head, staring at Pietro and hoping that he looked older and more intimidating.

"Because it was his name that stared us down," came another voice. Taeyong and Pietro both turned to the kitchen entrance. Wanda stood just behind the fridge, wearing a dark black dress that Taeyong found to be unpractical considering they were going into battle and a red leather jacket that he assumed she had got from Natasha's stash. "It was his name on the side of the bomb and that was what we were forced to look at."

Taeyong nodded, trying to wrap his head around their reasoning. Trauma, and an obvious scapegoat needed to channel all their anger-

"Don't try to understand our actions," Wanda hissed, eyes glowing red. Pietro stepped forward, between Taeyong and Wanda even when neither seemed like they'd do anything. "Don't try and think-"

"Don't go through my thoughts," Taeyong spat, feeling his spine straighten and an impenetrable hatred coil over his shoulders and down until it settled in his gut. He blinked, shaking his head slightly as Wanda took a step backwards. "I really... fucking hate when people touch me. When-" Taeyong kissed his teeth, trying to gather his thoughts. "When people try to manipulate my thoughts. I didn't lie when I said we don't like it here." He looked between Pietro and Wanda. "It took a lot to bring back Clint when he was under Loki's mind control and you shattered years of work it took to make the Hulk a real team player," he grimaced, feeling utter disgust roll in waves and Wanda flinched.

[2] Taeyong Lee-Stark and the Dawn of New ChangeWhere stories live. Discover now