19 - There are no strings on me

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PREVIOUSLY ON: Dawn of New Change

The party is in full gear and Taeyong has a fun time socialising with his friends and family. He talks with Bruce at the bar (drinking apple juice), gets to meet Sam with Steve whilst they plan pool and gets to see Jungwoo again. 

The party eventually gets to a close, but starts a whole new problem. 

The end of the party came in the form of most of the Avengers sitting around the lounge area with some other close friends. Maria Hill, Rhodey and Taeil stayed. Taeil actually spent most nights in the intern rooms anyway, so seeing him was the norm. Taeyong had tired his social battery out and was laying over his dad.

His body across Tony's lap and head resting on two stacked pillows whilst his chin was propped upwards so he could still see everyone. Taeyong, taking up most of the sofa space meant that quite a few of the occupants had to sit on the floor. This included Clint, who was twirling a drumstick from literally nowhere. "How did he..." Taeyong tilted his head, whispering. He turned his eyes away from Clint's stick-spinning to actually pay attention to the conversation. They were discussing the magic behind Thor's hammer.

"But it's a trick," Clint smirked.

"No, no," Thor said, taking the bottle of beer Steve opened for him. "It's much more than that."

"Ah, whosoever be he worthy! Shall haveth the power!" Clint snorted. Taeyong snickered, turning around and sliding over his dad's lap. Tony kept a hand on his back so he wouldn't fall. "Whatever man! It's a trick."

Thor chuckled, hand stretched out to his hammer, "well please be my guest."

That seemed to get almost everyone's attention and Taeyong sat up, crossing his legs and grinning down from where Clint was sat. "Come on," he egged on.

"Really?" Clint asked, already putting down his drumstick. Seriously, did he even play the drums?

"Yeah," Tony smirked.

"Oh," Rhodey lounged backwards, "this is going to be beautiful."

Tony nodded, "Clint, you've had a tough week. We won't hold it against you if you can't get it up." Taeyong chuckled along with everyone, watching as Clint made his way around to the edge of the glass table where the hammer was placed. It looked so normal just casually sitting on the table with the other glasses and foods and piles of magazines.

Clint put his hand over the handle and glanced back at Thor, "you know I've seen this before right?" He grunted immediately, pulling at the handle with his back, almost leaning over from the effort. Taeyong bit his lips together to hold in his laugh, watching the man try his best but ultimately laugh it off when he couldn't. "I still don't know how you do it!"

"Smell the silent judgement?" Tony asked.

"Please!" Clint motioned to the man. "Stark, by all means."

Taeyong made a small 'ooh' sound as his dad stood up and unbuttoned his blazer. Tony walked over to the hammer with a swagger in his step; his face, the perfect picture of a man before a million cameras. Taeyong scooted over and sat beside Rhodey, watching his dad stand before the hammer, getting ready.



"Never one to shrink from an honest challenge," Tony shrugged easily.

"Get after it," Clint said, stepping away.

Tony looked back up at everyone, "it's physics." He thread his hand through the strap at the end of the handle.

[2] Taeyong Lee-Stark and the Dawn of New ChangeWhere stories live. Discover now