21 - Strucker's dead and Ultron gets an upgrade

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PREVIOUSLY ON: Dawn of New Change

The coming of Ultron has put everyone on edge. Each Avenger and other personnel for his awakening gather at Tony's lab, trying to assess the damage. This is where they learn of Taeyong, Tony and Bruce's meddling with matters that they don't understand and where they find that Jarvis- as the first line of defence- has been destroyed.

They eventually retire to bed, deciding to deal with everything the next morning. 

In the dead of the night, whilst the Avengers tried their best to sleep and forget about the inevitable battle they'd have to face in the morning, the world was still alive. Or as alive as one could be in a state of broken peril. Which is a pretty accurate depiction of the war-rotten landscape of Sokovia. It was a country ridden of its former beauty, completely demolished at the hands of the US government.

What once stood as a peaceful and happy children, now bore the weary scrutinising looks and shaky steps of the Enhanced. Wanda and Pietro Maximoff clung to each other as they stumbled their way through the barren and broken remains of the country's Capital City, Novi Grad.

Pietro's eyes were so sunken into his head, he almost took the appearance of a skull. His jaw was slacken and he blinked through the hazy lighting of the quiet night life of his country. He was usually kept with minimal food to keep him going back in the HYDRA base, just enough to suffice his incredible metabolism. But his muscles ached with the need for something high in protein and surprisingly, he craved something sweet.

Wanda had a little bit more energy than her brother. She let him cling to her arm and lead the way through the rubble of the city. Her eyes were glowing red around the iris, face almost translucent as her veins glowed beneath her fair skin. She blinked continuously, finding her eyes were irritated with the glow. She wanted food too, not at much as her brother but she could not do anything about it. Stealing was not an option, at least, not in her own country. Now they were still trying to recover.

She'd steal from a poor man in America before she stole food from the hands of any of her people.

The twins continued to journey through the rough terrain until they eventually stood before the crumbling structure of the Novi Grad Church. It was one of their more famous tourist attractions, if the country ever got tourists, that was. Wanda blinked up, feeling her eyes water and sting as she tried to focus on ahead.

"Come on," she told her brother, feeling nothing in the air.

The closer they both got to the church, the more alive Pietro presented himself. He stood up straighter, to his full height and let go of his sister's arm. He trudged on before her, arm sticking out to make sure she was behind him. Wanda rolled her eyes but the corner of her lip twitched upwards, fondness for her weak brother's protectiveness, allowing him to push ahead.

They both entered the church, moving forward with caution. But Wanda had her arms to her side; magic energy pulsing down her veins until she could feel a sizzling sensation almost crack at her knuckles and pull at her bones. They shifted into a curling position and glowed too.

Pietro looked back at his sister, eyes darting down to her hands. "Something?"

"Not yet," she muttered. "Go on."

When they got further into the church (really, there was nothing left. It was 'under construction' but without funding, it stayed the same hollow building it always was) the more she could see him. The silhouette of a person sitting in the centre of the room, shrouded in darkness. There was light emitted from a small fire but the figure faced away from them.

Wanda tilted her head, not able to sense anything just yet. "Talk," she said, "and if you are wasting our time..."

"Did you know this church is in the exact centre of the city?"

[2] Taeyong Lee-Stark and the Dawn of New ChangeWhere stories live. Discover now