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Heyyy so school is starting tomorrow, I'm very excited to go back to school but since school is starting soon literally tomorrow.

I probably won't be posting as much even tho I don't posting that much anymore. I'll try my best to make something for you guys.

But I have to say something I have friends problems. well ex friend problems and I don't know if she is coming back to school and I don't know if I am ready to meet her again.

So if I don't post anything or I post more than it's probably because life is shit and all. So don't worry I'll try my best to make the story a bit better.

I hope you guys or the ones that are still going to school have a great first day. hope you make friends and try to not be friends with anyone that you know have red flags.

Don't be like me and be friends with them for so long and when they change school just stop talking to you for while and when they finally respond to you they say bad things about you and they say they don't want to be friends with you anymore.

And thanks so much for reading my story of Xiao and aether I know it's bad and all but just wanted to thanks.

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