the meeting

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Third Person's POV

"Omg hello it is great to meet you guys" A's friend said to the group

"It is great to meet you too" The lover boys said to aether and his friend

" Um can I take a picture of you guys" A's friend ask

"Yeah we won't mind" venti said to the girl

              After taking the picture

"Thanks so much nice to meet you guys" Aether and his friend said to the band lover boys

Xiao's POV

After scaramouche made Venti and Xingqiu shut up, two of our fan came into the room.One was a girl and the other one was a cute blonde boy.

The girl ask to take a picture with us and the cute blonde said that he'll take the picture. The girl try to convince him but he said he didn't mind I was a little sad. But I didn't know why, I mean I just met him so there was no reason why I was upset he wasn't in the picture.

Aether's POV

When it was our turn to meet the lover boys band '     ' was so excited to meet her favorite band. I was happy for her, she will finally meet her role models. she told me that their song helped her through a hard time with her parents when she came out to them.

When we got to the room '    ' greet them and they greet us back.'    ' ask if she could take a picture with them, I insisted to take the picture she try to convince me.

But I just wanted to take the picture for her because I want it to look good for her to look back anytime she felt sad. When I was talking the picture the keyboard player look kinda sad.

Third Person's POV

"Thanks so much again for having us" aether and his friend said to the group before leaving

                        In the car

" I am so happy I could die happily"A's friend said to boy."I am happy for you too but how about no dying untill your old and ugly haha" Aether said laughing, "hey so mean but sure now start driving I want to sleep, today was a long day and we are meeting up with Diluc "A's friend said


Sorry for making this so short, I am just so lazy today anyways thanks for reading this byeee

Sorry if it was bad

Xiao x Aether and other shipsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें