Here Comes The Bride

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Eddie's POV
As I stand in the room by myself, I'm looking in a severed broken mirror. At my reflection. I start to look at deeper details at myself.

I look at my hair. It was a bit messed up, so I grabbed a comb and brushed it back in its original position.

Not bad. I guess...

I look at my suit. I happened to make a new one after I finished with Claire's dress. I made sure I carefully sewn the black fabrics together along with the dress pants. I got a cleaner dress shirt. Made new fingerless gloves. But sadly, couldn't find any clean dress shoes. I see that my bow tie was crooked and made it straight again.

Put all of my concentration on this suit. Seemed to pay off...

I then looked at the most important part of my reflection. The appearance of my face. I looked at the peeling skin which seemed the more it peeled, the more flesh can be seen. I looked at the red blisters. I looked at my light blue eyes. I see that my all the veins in my right eye had been brutally snapped but with only a few snapped veins on my left eye. This was the first time I have ever seen myself so very closely and detailed.

How come I've never noticed this or seen this before? I.... I look like a monster.

I quickly look away and walk to a little table in the room, I pick up a diamond ring. I breathed a heavy sigh and headed for the chapel.

Claire's POV
Since I couldn't get the chance to ask Eddie for the directions to the chapel, I decided to figure it out on my own. I take the dress off the mannequin. Before I took it off, I took a good look at it. I touched the fabric. The dress felt like a profession did it. I could barley see the sewn marks on the dress. It wasn't dirtied or was covered in blood. It was absolutely beautiful.

I put the dress on. It fitted like a glove. It wasn't loose or saggy or even too tight. It was perfect. I look in a cracked mirror at my reflection. I couldn't help but think on how good I looked. But my hair looked awful. I sighed thinking how my hair would look like a birds nest at the wedding.

Eddie would probably think I look ratchet.

I sighed again and looked down at the ground then back up at the mirror and was shocked. As soon as I look at the mirror again, my hair was already made into a perfect bun. "wow...."I whisper to myself as I specified my hair. I then noticed as I take a closer look at my reflection that there was makeup on me. Not too much nor too little but a good amount. I put the veil (which had that comb clip looking thingy.. I don't know.) in my bun and pulled the veil over my face. I decided to use the bouquet of the now fresh blooming red roses as my bouquet. Then there was a ring on a little table. It looked like a engagement ring for the groom. I take it with me.

I walk out of the room and start exploring, trying to find this so called chapel.

He said it was near the gymnasium... Where the hell is the gym?

I walk around a little more until I enter this big room. I look around. It did kinda look like a gymnasium. But what got me curious the most is why there were rope being tied to the ground. I follow where the rope went which it seemed to go up to the ceiling. I gasp in horror. I move the veil away from my face to see if my eyes were playing tricks on me. But it wasn't.

What was stringed up to the ceiling were bodies. Dead. Nude. "Breasts" were sewn onto the chest where some had the crotches sliced or sliced open to represent a womanhood. But I could tell they were male. Hanging upside down by the feet like a dead chicken hung by string in a butcher shop ( I don't really know if it actually goes that way but whatever).

"Oh my god!"I said in a shaky whisper in horror. I quickly left the gym. I walk around more then I see a long corridor. I look inside and see chairs at the sides forming an aisle in the middle. Down the aisle I see Eddie standing there looking at the flower arch at the wall. I once again pull the veil over my face and quietly called out to him.

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