A Gift

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Claire's POV
I enter the room with the woman.

"So.... Are you Dr. Jane Kalisky?"I ask.

"Why yes,"She says,"You can have a seat here Ms.Helkins."She informs.


"You're welcome,"she says,"Now, Ms.Helkins, why don't you tell me a little about yourself. Why did you come here?"

"Well, I work at Murkoff Corporations as a assistant for the boss of Murkoff. I'm 22 years old. I was born in Wisconsin on August 4th 1993. I came here because I have been having nightmares and flash blacks."

"Oh really? From what?"

"Well there was this guy I was together with. We were together since college and ever since I told him that we were going to be a great couple..... He....... He....."

I couldn't find any words. I felt like I was about to cry. But I kept it in.

"After I told him we were going to be a great couple, he abused me. Physically and verbally."

"Why did he do this?"

"I..... I don't know....... After I said that he just triggered."

"Ah, I see."

"Besides. It was a friend of mine who set this appointment for me."

"Well, it seems like your friend cares very much about you."

"Yeah. I guess he does."

{10 minute Time Skip. I didn't feel like typing the rest of their convo.}

"Alright, so, Ms.Helkins, I'm going to need you to lay back close your eyes, and relax."

I do as she says and close my eyes and relax.


"Okay, Ms.Helkins, I'm going to put you in this trance to put you to sleep in result to get your nightmares going. Is there a specific number of nightmares you have?"

"No. Just one."


{Another three minute Time Skip. I really don't know how trances go.}

Everything went dark and quiet. I was probably asleep then. But I could still hear Dr.Kalisky's voice.

"Alright, Ms.Helkins, you could still hear me, and you're going to tell me every detail of what's going on. Am I clear?"

I was asleep but I happened to let out a sleepy and yet quiet,"yes...."

"There will be some parts you'll forget that your still in my office and carry on with your dream like every other night. So that means you wouldn't even know that I'm here. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

"yes.... doctor....."

"Alright, Ms.Helkins. Remember I'll be right here next to you."She said in a gentle and caring voice. Her voice reminded me of my mother which drifted me even more off to a peaceful sleep. As soon as that came to me I pictured my mother and her kind gentle smile. Then the image faded away.

"Ms.Helkins, what is your surroundings?"I hear say in my sleep.

I walked around and to find a wall and a light switch. I flicked it on. I look around and sighed.

This place again.....

Jane's POV
I watch as Claire drifts off to sleep as I am putting the trance on her. I ask her later then.

"Ms.Helkins, what are your surroundings?"I ask.

She was quiet for a few seconds and answered.

"it.... smells....."

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