Roses Are Red

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Eddie POV
How could've I been such a idiot!?

I angrily punch a mannequin to the ground with my fists clenched. I angrily walk away to another room where there was a dead body hanging from a noose. I get even more angry and pulled out my knife.

I just knew she would reject me! You just had to rush to the proposal. Everything went out fine before you had to ask her!

I think this as I start slashing at the body with my knife letting all my anger out on the lifeless hanging body.

"Stupid! *slash* Idiotic! *slash* Moron! *slash* *splatter*"I say with each swing and some blood splattered across the wall.

I start stabbing it. Thinking of Claire rejecting my proposal.

"Slut! *stab* Crazy! *stab* Bitch! *stab* WHORE! *stab* *stab* *stab* *stab* *stab*"I stab the body very quickly and mercilessly in anger.

I soon started to stab the body slower. Only with regrets.

"Why? *stab*........ Why does she reject me in this way? *stab*......." Tears of both anger and sadness start falling from my eyes.

All of a sudden my mood changes. It started from anger, sadness, and all of a sudden relaxation. I take steady and calm breaths. My tears dry and I change my mood immediately as if it didn't happen. With a shaky grin on my face.

"That's better..... Letting the anger out..... It's not good if it's bottled up... Alright. Now that I'm calm. I should really get the preparations ready for Claire's visit."

I went to the room where I punched the mannequin down. I pick it up and stand it back up. I get some white fabric. And got to work.

Your dress is going to be beautiful, darling.....

Claire's POV
As soon as I get home, I throw my helmet on one of my living room chairs, and fall onto my sofa. As I lay there, I couldn't stop thinking of what happened in my nightmare from therapy session. I couldn't stop thinking about my appointment. And I couldn't stop thinking about when Eddie and I were making out. Thinking of Eddie and I making out brought me thinking about Jeremy and I making out.

I took off the scarf and looked in the mirror. The love bites were fading away just a little bit. I go to the sofa and laid back down. My eyes started to feel a little heavy. Without knowing I started to drift off to sleep. Thinking about everything at once was starting to make me get a little headache.

Should I agree to Eddie's proposal? He's just a figure of your imagination who also haunts your dreams and kills you... What would happen if I say no again? Should I say yes? Ugh! I don't know!

I soon fall asleep.

It was pitch black. I already knew where I was. I put my hands on the cold wall feeling around for the light switch. I find the switch and flicked it on. I retrace my steps and follow my way around.

I went to the room where Eddie gave my the dead roses. As I walk in, I see the bouquet on the ground. I pick it up and hold it against my chest. The scent of the dead flowers run up through my nose. It sends a twist in my stomach.

If only these were fresh ones... I breathed a heavy sigh. All of sudden, as soon as I look at the roses, they were fresh.

"Wh-What?"I whisper in disbelief. The roses were blooming with their bright red petals.

How is that possible? Wait.. This is my dream... Anything can happen in them... That makes so much sense now.

As I think this. I hear a voice. It was way too familiar.

"Darling. You're back."

I turn around with the bouquet still in hand.


We looked away from each other. There was then just awkward silence. I looked at the fresh living bouquet. Eddie looked at the ground. I broke the silence.

"Eddie."I say and he looks up at me,"Yes?"

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For rejecting you earlier. I must've hurt you so much."

"Oh. It-It's alright, darling. It was my fault. I mean. I just had to rush things after that kiss."

"Yeah. You kinda did. But..."

"But what, darling?"

"But I was thinking of your proposal. And I guess I have known you for awhile. I mean, it has been at least four years having the same nightmare over and over again."

"What is all this supposed to mean?"

"Well, it means I accept."

"Wh-What? Accept what?"

"I... I accept your proposal."

Eddie's POV
"What is all this supposed to mean?"

"Well, it means I accept."

I got a bit confused when she said she accepted.

"Wh-What? Accept what?"

Her face turned a bit red.

"I... I accept your proposal."She looked away in embarrassment as she said this. Which left me surprised and speechless.

"You do?"

"Y-Yes. I do."

Why is she doing this?

"You don't have to if you want to, darling."

"But I want to. I don't know why but, I just have this urge inside of me to do this."


She nodded. I then intentionally smiled in pure joy. A shy smile formed on her face.

"I'll be right back."


I go to the other room. I see the mannequin. With her wedding dress.

"Now, darling, I'm going to need you to close your eyes."


I pick up the armless mannequin by the stick. And walked out to the room where Claire was. I put the dress right in front of her.

"Open your eyes now."

She opens them and is surprised to see the dress. She starts to turn red.

Claire's POV
"Open your eyes now."He says.

I open my eyes and almost fall back. In front of me was a white dress.

"Is-Is that a wedding dress?"

"Why, yes, darling."He says. His face then turns shy,"Do you like it?"

I stand there, looking at the dress. It was amazing.

"Like it? I..."I couldn't find any words,"I love it."

Eddie then beams a grateful smile,"Great! Why don't you get dressed, darling. I'll wait for you at the chapel that I have set up near the gymnasium."He continued to smile, turned around leaving the room and whistled.

"Ed-Eddie? Where's-"As soon as I was about to ask him where this so called chapel he had set up by himself, he was already gone.

*I finished this chapter faster than expected. We're getting close to the ending. But keep in mind, in the next chapter, it would be kind of an ending but it will have multiple endings in different parts. There's the Happy Ending, the Sad but Happy Ending, the Sad Ending, the Alternate Happy Ending, and the Alternate Sad Ending. I will publish all 5 of these endings at the same time so it will take me awhile. Can't wait.*

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