Sweet Dreams

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"Alright, Ms.Helkins. Lucky for you, let's call it a day. For now."


Jeremy looks at me.

"Uh. I mean..... Aw man! I wish there was more time in the world so we can continue our 'great' work so I'll get a raise."I say innocent like and made a sad like look hoping for my raise.

"Heh. Good save, Ms.Helkins. But don't think you'll be getting a raise for staying extra hours because that will never happen."

Crap... Almost had him....

"Alright. I'll be off now. And I promise I won't be late again tomorrow."

"Right. First time I've heard that one before."He says sarcastically.

"Heh heh. Yeah. Have a good night, Blaire."

"Same to you. Wait. You won't have a good night because you'll have nightmares all over again."

I stop in my tracks.

"How do you know I have nightmares every night?"

"Well. I overheard during lunch earlier about your little 'nightmare' problem that you have."

That son of a bitch!

"Well. Thanks for knowing and goodnight."I say sternly.

"Your welcome and 'sweet' dreams, Helkins, because you'll need it."

"Thanks."I say giving him the stink eye and I walk out of his office.

I leave the office, walk to the elevator, and pressed the down button with my knuckle and wait.


I step into the elevator and pressed the main lobby button with my knuckle. And the doors close. As the numbers went down from 50 down to 49, 48, 47.... I'm standing there thinking about the suggestion Waylon made.

Maybe I do need a psychologist..... Maybe special treatment can help me with my nightmares..... Nah, don't think so.

I just stand there thinking about our conversation.


The doors open and I walk out and head for the double doors until I hear my name being called out. It was Waylon.



"Hey, ah, I was wondering if you would like to go for drinks with Miles, Rebecca, and I?"

"Ah.... I'm not really sure... Is Lisa alright with this?"

"Yeah. I called her and said as long I'm not drunk driving than I'm off the hook. What do you say?"

"Err... I guess I could come... But if I get drunk, someone's driving me home WITH my speed bike along with us."

We all look at Miles. And he looks at us. Miles was almost around Waylon's age. He's a bit taller than Waylon so he was 5'10". Short dark brown hair combed over to the side but was almost a wave in the front. Wore a tan colored leather jacket wore a white buttoned up collared shirt under, jeans, and work boots.

"Wait. You guys aren't thinking of me driving her home with her bike strapped on my jeep?"He asks worriedly.

"You are exactly right, Miles."Rebecca says teasingly.


"Well, come on. I'll meet you guys there."

"Alright. See you there."

I go to the parking lot and hop on my bike. I see Miles get into his jeep and started it. He sees me as I start my speed bike.

"Hey, Helkins! How bout a race? Loser pays the bill at the bar after drinks."

"Your on!"

We move our vehicles to the exit of the lot.

"On your mark!"

"Get set!"


We take off. I'm in the lead then Miles catches up to me. I hunched down for more speed and went off fast.

By the time I get to the bar, I lock my speed bike to a bicycle pole. I look around and I don't see Miles in sight. Then I see him walking down the sidewalk whistling and spinning his car keys around his finger and he sees me.

He runs towards the bar. I too start running towards the bar and just as I reach it, I open the door and dash in. I then quickly sat myself down on the stool panting. He then comes in also panting.

"I.... -pant- win.... -pant-"

"That's.... -gasp- because.... -pant pant- you had.... -pant- a damn speed bike..... Hah...."


Rebecca and Waylon finally arrive and we drank. We drank, we laughed, we joked around, typical hangouts at a bar. At the end, Miles paid just as our deal was made. And we all went home.

By the time I get home, I just wash my face to wash away the flush in my face, brush my teeth, get in my pajamas, and fall face down on my bed. All I wanted to do was sleep. I was tired. Not even thinking of what would happen my sleep. Again.

I slowly drifted off to sleep. And total darkness. It was quite. Thinking about what my nightmare would be next. My eyes start to get heavy and they close shut.

"Sweet.... Dreams...., Claire...."

*Sorry guys if this chapter was short but this was all I got for this chapter. Soooo...... Yeah......*

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