A Ride Gone Wrong

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"A-Are you sure this is a good idea?!" Grant asked in alarm, the wind blowing his hair back slightly.

"If these...Decepticons are looking for me...should I really be out here?" He asked warily, large pine trees zipping past him.

"A quick drive won't hurt anything! Besides, we'll only be out here for a few minutes. "

"Just enjoy the ride!" Arcee said enthusiastically, her headlights flashing with her speech.

Grant tightened his grip on her handle bars as Arcee sped up.

She briefly performed a wheelie, her front tire raising into the air, chuckling slightly at the teen's reaction.

"Alright, easy now!" Grant said with an alarmed laugh, bouncing slightly as Arcee leveled herself out.

"Oh, come on! I thought you liked motorcycles!" She teased gently.

"Just because I like them doesn't mean I've rode one! Let alone one that can transform into an alien robot!" Grant retorted in his defense.

"What? Don't most humans drive cars or something?" She asked in surprise.

"Yeah, when we get a license to do so! I haven't gotten mine yet, though!" Grant explained with a slight chuckle.

Arcee let out a laugh before speeding up, her engine humming loudly.

"Then let's make this a memorable first ride!!" Arcee claimed as her form shifted slightly.

Her mirrors bent inward, and her exaust pipe extended, blue flames spewing from it, a slight blue glow accompanying the flame.

Grant let out a slight yelp at the sudden acceleration, hunkering down as Arcee sped up further.

She sped around a corner, dirt, gravel, and grass spraying into the air.

"Well, you're definitely motivating me to get my license!!" Grant said with an excited laugh.

As Arcee drove, she slowed slightly. A faint whistling was audible just above the hum of her engine.

Grant looked behind them, a slight glint of in the distant clouds catching his attention.

Before he could react, before Arcee could detect it. a bolt of red energy sailed past them, connecting with the ground directly in front of Arcee's front wheel.

Arcee was sent flipping through the air, Grant being flung from her seat as she tramsformed out of her vehicle mode.

Grant felt the air rush from his lungs, a searing pain erupting across his back as he connected with a tree.

As he slumped to the ground, Arcee tumbled before righting herself, planting her feet, transforming her right hand into a cannon of a sort.

Arcee shook her head in a slight daze before looking to Grant, her optics widening.

"Grant!" She said in alarm, quickly moving to her feet.

She swiftly made her way over to him, crouching down to check on him.

He was still conscious, gripping himself in a hug of sorts, a pained grimace on his face. One eye clenched shut.

A small trail of blood leaked from between his clenched teeth.

Another blast connected with her shoulder, causing her to quickly hunch down over grant, shielding him as a barrage of energy projectiles rained down at them.

Only a few connected with her, glancing off of the extremities of her armored plating.

The barrage ceased as another Cybertronian landed behind them, larger than Arcee, with a pair of jetwings on its back.

They had a black and grey chassis and glowing red optics, another. Sharper logo on their head.

"So commander StarScream was telling the truth, it really is a human producing Energon readings," the assailant said as they came to a stop, crossing their arms as Arcee stood up.

"What do you want, Con?" Arcee said coldly, leveling her cannon at the Decepticon.

The Decepticon chuckle.

"That is of no concern to you, little Autobot. All you need to know is Lord Megatron wishes to....meet this particular human, " the Decepticon stated in a matter of fact tone

The Decepticon smirked, leveling its arm as it transformed its right arm into a large cannon, aiming directly at Arcee.

"If you move aside, I'll let you live. If not, well-"

The Decepticon was cut off by Arcee firing a blue energy projectile from her own cannon.

The Decepticon stepped back slightly as the blast hit his shoulder, damaging the plating.

"Fine. It's your funeral tiny, " the Decepticon remarked, powering up his cannon.

Before he could fire his cannon, Arcee stood up, firing a pair of energy projectiles at him.

Using the Decepticon's brief stagger from her projectile's connecting, Arcee dashed up to the Larger Cybertronian, kicking him in the head hard enough to knock him up and then down onto his back.

"Gah! You Autobot B-"

Before the Decepticon could finish his sentence, Arcee drove her left foot down onto his head, earning a spray of sparks and glowing blue energon as his body spasmed.

Arcee stepped off of the corpse, watching it spasm and spark for a moment before it fell limp, then looking to her foot.

She let out a slight uneasy hum at the sight, wiping her foot off on the grass.

She then quickly made her way over to Grant, who was sat against the tree behind him, still clearly in pain, holding his abdomen. But he was no less shocked.

"T-That was...brutal," Grant said as Arcee walked over to him.

"I didn't have a choice. He was too close to the base." Arcee said simply, crouching onto her knees.

Grant let out a pained grunt as she used her  right index finger to make him look up, as if examining him.

Her optics flickered before projecting a blue glow, as if scanning the teen.

"Oh... Scrap, " Arcee said with a frustrated tone.

"W-What?" Grant asked in confusion.

He jumped slightly as Arcee scooped him up into her hands. A pained growl escaping him as she did.

"Prime is going to be pissed," She said in a sigh

*To Be Continued*

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