Episode 30: *it's the end. (Season 2 Finale)

228 3 2

Saves left: 12

Sans: . . . how many saves you have left again?

Chara: I have 12 left, Sans. We've been fighting for an entire day.

Sans: you sure, kid? it feels like 2 hours now.

Chara: In my 45th attempt, you trapped me by piercing me with blue bones and slept for a flipping hour!

Sans: heh, sorry about that. all of those fighting had me tired there.

Chara: well, that makes sense. you even slept back in those genocides.

Sans: . . . what are we doing again?

Chara attacks Sans but he dodges right away.

Sans: oh, thanks for reminding me.

Sans kills Chara with a ton of blasters.

Saves left: 11

Sans: you know what? let's just fight next to that place where we last met.

Sans teleports away with Chara.

In U.A. . .

Sans teleports with Chara.

Sans: well, let's begin again. shall we?

Chara uses Arena Fight.

Chara: Wait, where is yours?

Sans: . . . i broke it.

Chara: Bruh, I fixed the power for you.

Sans: heh, thanks. (uses arena fight)

Sans: so we're back again.

Sans: but instead of the judgement hall, we're just next to a school.

Sans: . . . 11 saves left, right?

Sans: this might be hard. . .

Sans: . . . but i'll make it quick.

Sans uses delay manipulation, flashing bones, and two faced blasters.

HP: 92 --> 69

Sans: (Just for the readers to know, ignore the dialogues and the post credits of the video.)

Chara: What are you thinking about?

Sans; nothing, nothing at all.

Quirkless Judgement (Sans x MHA/BNHA)Where stories live. Discover now