Episode 12: A new friend

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Chara is now at LV 7

Chara: Come on, Gaster! What could go wrong?


Chara: It will all be fine, Gaster. I'm pretty sure they're harmless. And don't worry! It's not like I'm gonna kill it for no reason!


Chara: Thanks! (Leaves the room)

Gaster: (Why do I have a feeling that things are about to go wrong after this. . .)

In an unknown room. . .

Chara: Hellooooo? Is anyone here?

Chara: Ah, there you are!

In Chara's POV, there is an unknown being wearing a head mirror.

Chara: Hey there! Um. . . how are you?

After Chara said that, the being tried to move away.

Chara: Come on, don't be shy! I'm not here to hurt you!

Chara: Let's just have a conversation.

Chara sits down next to the being.

Chara: Hmm, nice bed you have!

The being was scared but nodded slowly.

Chara: My name is Chara. What's yours?

???: . . .

???: My name is Grey.

Chara: Grey, huh? What a unique name!

Chara: Is your name like that because of the color you're wearing?

Grey: . . . Yeah.

Grey: But I thought I died there. I couldn't see how. . . but I fell.

Chara: . . . It's because you were resurrected.

Grey: Huh?

Chara: I was resurrected too. I was trying to save everyone just for my sacrifice. But it didn't work, making my death go in vain.

Grey: . . .

Chara: What about yours, Grey? Do you have anything else about your backstory?

Grey: . . .

Grey: No, I don't.

Chara: Are you sure? There's supposed to be something about your backstory. Everyone has it.

Chara: But if it was a secret you want to hold, I understand that.

Chara: You can tell me whenever you want, I'll be waiting.

As Chara leaves the room, Grey stopped him from doing so.

Chara: Huh?

Grey: Please. . . don't leave me. . .

Chara: . . . Okay, I won't. I'll stay here. I'll keep you company.

A few hours later. . .

Chara: (Hmm. This guy seems nice but also scared. Reminds me of Papyrus. Always innocent and everything. But him. . . he's on a whole new level.)

Chara: (I guess I've found a new friend for once. . .)

To be continued. . .

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