Only made it to two months into her treatment and I cried everyday till I was literally out of tears and dehydrated.

Nutn couldn't come out.

As for Kade, haven't heard from him since that night he left me in his house to go to Shania, but his grandfather did give me a visit two weeks after.

He knew about my pregnancy but wanted me to keep it on the low, said Kade was getting married and doesn't want anything in his way to tarnish his marriage.

He also said Kade handed over his 5 hotels in Jamaica to me, including the one I used to work at and when Arianna turns 18, she'll be in charge of 4 and I'll have 1 for myself.

I didn't believe him at first but he showed me pictures of Kade in Paris with the same girl I met in the bathroom at the time I was working at AC Hotel, both were sporting huge diamond rings and looked happy.

His grandfather told me the money that these hotels are making is enough for me to take care of all the expenses in regards to me and my baby and should not try to contact his grandson under any circumstances and I shouldn't even give the baby his last name.

But I didn't listen.

Her name is Arianna Kadian Alexander and she's a splitting image of him too.

Nutn nuh bun me suh.

I also have picture of him that I found on his social media that I make her look at from time to time so if anything she could recognize him.

I know the possibilities are limited but I really do hope she gets know meet him.

I don't want her to be fatherless like me and not to know him at all.

Without one I didn't know what were the do's and don't when it came to men and my uncle wasn't much help.

Because of that I was treated terribly by every male I came across including her dad.

Also I'm not a bitter person so I wasn't going to hide his identity from her or to not give her his name.

It should be her decision if she doesn't want to speak with him when she's older and able to understand but for now I'm ensuring she's atleast aware that he's her father.

"Mommy, I want ni ni," she spoke softly in my arms as I moved around my apartment cleaning up a bit.

"Coming baby,"

She's able to talk really well for a two year old 3 October coming, so I signed her up for pre-k September.

Can't believe my baby is growing up so fast.

It also eases my mind having to try and find someone to babysit her while I'm at work.

Even though I acquired the hotels through a distasteful circumstance I was still very grateful.

I was unable to finish cosmetology school but went straight into university and got a degree in Business Management with a major in Tourism and Minor in Hospitality Management with some accounts and finance lessons on the side.

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