“Some of the agents returned. There is not much intel on the family, they’re hiding,” not hearing any answer Kinn waved his hand before Porsche’s eyes; the latter blinked and looked at him. “As I was saying, the family is in hiding. They’re still searching for them but for now, we have nothing.”

Porsche sighed and rubbed his face. The progress was slow, almost non-existent, but it was still a progress. Kinn placed his hand on his shoulder and lightly squeezed it, his eyes meeting the light brown ones.

“Do you, I know I asked already, have anything to tell me about his disappearance?”

Porsche chuckled humorlessly and shook his head.

“Porsche,” Kinn sighed and leaned back. “It’s not only about him, us, it’s about the kids now. They got them once, I multiplied the security as much as possible, but we need to know something more. We know nothing. There has to be something helpful to find Natta.”

“Kinn, I told you everything. I took him to the old man, he got the payment, and two days after Natta was gone. I know nothing else.”

With what they got and managed to find, the data was worth nothing. Sure, Porsche described what had happened all those years ago and Kinn’s people immediately went to search for the old man, but he was gone long before they came. His apartment was rented by some students and no one heard about him for a while.

“Let’s focus on what we have now,” Porsche said calmly and looked around. “Have you seen the boys?”

Kinn shook his head.

“Khun has them, they really like to dress him up and he likes to be dressed up. A win-win.”

Porsche nodded and leaned back so they both were now half laying on the outdoor sofa. It was a little weird at the beginning - their new relationship. It was more of a partnership to raise their children and for them to not lack anything later. Slowly the trust that was destroyed started to rebuild itself between them. Kinn was still treating Porsche as he would take triplets, Chay and Ae, and run as fast and far as possible, but he got more relaxed around him recently.

Porsche on the other hand was still unsure if he could leave Kinn alone with the kids. Sure, he was their father as well as Porsche, but he put them through so much misery and hardships that Porsche’s mind always created dark scenarios. They stopped appearing after he saw how Kinn teaches Tonhon the piano. He was calm, happy even. Not the usual Kinn that Porsche knew all those years back.

“It’s weird, right?” Kinn said suddenly, making Porsche open his eyes and look at him. “Us like that, not that it’s bad!” he added quickly. “It’s just that… I never pictured myself having kids. Swore even that I won’t have them to finish this dynasty of my ancestors. But now…” he trailed off looking at Thiang who ran towards them with flowers ripped from the flower beds.

“For Dada,” she put yellow flowers on Porsche’s lap. “And Papa.” Red ones landed on Kinn’s lap.

Thiang raised her hand to be picked up, but as Porsche tried to sit her on his lap she slid in between them and hugged Kinn’s side. Both men shared an amused look and leaned towards the little body between them.

“Like that,” Kim was sitting on the large armchair in one of the sitting rooms with Ae close to him. The little one dragged him to the painting room and took some of the coloured pencils as well as sketchbooks and demanded he colour with him. “You need to drag, not push.” Ae’s big eyes followed as the pencil left coloured trail. Kim was observing him happily, watching his son cover the paper in different random lines and circles.

“He still needs to take vitamins,” Chay’s voice came from the sofa on the left. He was finishing the book Korn gave him some time ago. Ae hearing his dad speaking about vitamins scrunched his nose. “Yes, you little mister. You have been freezing and sleeping all the time.”

Kim smiled a little and helped Ae find shape in his masterpiece.

Chay looked at them for a while. He still had some setbacks when it came to Kim, especially since he could remember their spent time together more clearly than Porsche his with Kinn. He never admitted to his older brother that he was starting to have some feelings for the youngest brother but then they all disappeared.

“Young masters. Khun Korn asks for your presence in the meeting room,” Ont, the butler, came in and bowed, leaving.

Kim looked uneasy. There was something going on behind the scenes and Chay was not aware of it.

“Okay, take Ae to his bedroom and I’ll come as soon as-”

“No, no, no,” Chay closed his book and placed it next to him. “Saira will take the kids to the playroom, we,” he pointed at himself and Kim. “Are going to meet your father with our brothers and your cousin.”

Saira indeed came some seconds later to take Ae and his drawings to the playroom. He saw Tankhun walking with Tonhon and Tharn down the hall towards the room as well. The elevator was a little unnecessary in the mansion but now Chay saw the appeal of it. He had no desire to climb the stairs.

They walked out of it and noticed how many bodyguards were in the hall leading to the room. Arm looked at them with furrowed eyebrows and nodded, opening the door.

Chay was met with his brother looking pale and Kinn sitting next to him, his arms around Porsche’s torso as if he was holding him back. Korn was sitting close to them, his eyes focused on the two men who had their backs to Chay and Kim.

“Ah, Kim and Chay come in. Thankun, I see you have found Vegas and Pete. Wonderful,” Korn raised his hand and servers placed tea on the table.

Chay walked towards his place but seeing Porsche’s eyes, he looked at the men who were sitting right in front of his brother. One had light brown hair and dark brown eyes. His brow was furrowed and he looked like he wanted to leave as soon as possible. The other had pitch-black hair and he was strongly holding the hand of the other man. He looked at Chay and in one moment he knew who he was.

“Nattapol,” Chay said, stunned.

"Hello Chay," he said and smiled slightly.

His companion looked a little less stressed but still looked around the room as if he was expecting to be attacked. Chay could not blame him, to be honest. He sat down and Kim followed his lead, both waiting for the situation to proceed. Korn sighed and took his tea, looking at Kinn.

"As we discussed a little before you arrived," Kinn started, looking at everyone in the room. "We are not the only target of the Diloknawarits. They sent people to the town where Tan and Bunn are living and are snooping around."

Porsche looked at them with glossy eyes, his hands turned to fists under the table.

"We will try to help as much as we can," Kinn spoke to the newcomers. "Porsche helped you, it put a target on his back and on-" Kinn stopped and started again. "On our family as well. We will help."

"Thank you."

Porsche shook his head.

"You swore not to be back, you knew what will happen," Porsche started as he stood up. Tan looked at him calmly. "Why did you come back? There is no way they would be able to find you!"

"They found my son and husband Porsche," Tan said. Bunn let his head down. "I cannot risk them. You should know."

Porsche breathed in and laughed humorlessly.

"Of course, I know. They made a whole mascarade and kidnapped my children," he said; Tan's eyes widened. "And Kinn's cousin's daughter." Tan went white for a minute.

"I never wanted innocent people to be harmed because of me, you know it, Porsche!"

"Yes, I know. I still think that hiding was a better option."

With that, he left the room and Chay felt like he was suffocating in it.

Kinn took a glass of whiskey and swallowed it down in one go, placing in on the table.

"First, we need to talk about your family, because we know shit."

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