i. after every storm there is sunshine

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Porsche was aware that his state was going to gather attention. He was pregnant as long as his little brother but he was carrying two more children than him, so obviously he would be bigger quicker. But when during their third week in the newest city the old aunt near the store they were in said that he had a cute pregnancy belly he was terrified. When he got home the first thing he did was to check in the mirror his posture. She didn't lie - he did have a bump at the bottom of, what once was, his six-pack.

He screeched so loudly that Porsché came running in only to see his older brother with both hands on his belly and an astonished expression on his face. True to be told, Porsche wasn't that against the pregnancy as it proceeded, he was finding himself looking forward to experiencing everything that came with those three that were making him change his mind quicker than he has seen Thankun change his.

Both brothers were slowly growing more accustomed to the slow life in the village. People were nice, a little too noisy for his Porsche's liking but he could deal with it. There was an old marriage next to their house, who often stopped by to ask if they needed help - the wife, Sharak, was a retired kindergartner teacher and she immediately could tell the brothers were carrying, when Porsché was almost gagging when he smelled sweets. Porsche could feel his brother's pain, Porsché loved any kind of sweets and because of the little one, he couldn't even look at them. Porsche on the other hand could not seem to be near the sea, the smell of salt was too overwhelming for him for some reason.

They were now lazing around, Porsché on the couch and Porsche on the large armchair, near the door to the back garden. They felt like doing nothing and both were in no mood to see anyone. It took some time for Porsché to actually talk to his brother about his stay with the youngest Theerapanyakun, but what Porsche heard was actually good. Kim did not try to force Porsché into any interaction with him unless necessary, asking if he ate or needed anything when he was checking on him. The biggest difference was that Kim allowed Porsché to go outside and get a little breather every once in a while, while Porsche was closed off in the penthouse. Maybe Kim was not such an interesting target to hit or he was trusting the bodyguards more about protecting the parent of his child. Porsche didn't know.

He sighed and looked around the room, trying to find any entertainment for himself. Porsché was on the brick of falling asleep so he let him be. His gaze moved towards the kitchen; they ate two hours ago but he felt like it was not really enough. With a grunt he stood up and walked slowly to the fridge - they had restocked yesterday so it was filled to the brim. Korn Theerapanyakun decided to send them money for the expenses for the child Porsché was carrying but the amount of money was actually very large and made them feel comfortable with the new four additions they will soon have. He took out vegetables and roasted chicken, also grabbing the noodles from the cupboard. It seemed easy and he would eat quickly.

While he was stirring the vegetables his mind got back to the times when Kinn insisted on him to be a judge of his newest culinary experiment. There was one dish he liked actually, it was some kind of baked fish with light sauce. He turned off the gas and leaned against the counter. The memories came back to him - Kinn showing him the proper way of putting someone in a chokehold that they couldn't get out, him trying to beat him in a sparring session, both of them shooting to the target and others cheering.

Porsche breathed through his nose and opened his eyes, not noticing when he closed them. There were somewhat good times. Kinn was always so bipolar when it came to Porsche, one day he would act like his boss and give him ridiculous tasks and demands, and another day he would act like he wanted Porsche to feel like someone's most important person. It made Porsche's head spin. Why couldn't it be easier?

He shook his head and returned to his noodles, although his hunger subdued when he was thinking. He put some in w bowl and slowly moved to his previous spot, watching how trees softly moved outside. This kind of life wasn't for him, Porsche was used to Bangkok's loud and quick life, not the peaceful life in the village. His little brother was happier with their new home. Porsché was always so calm and somewhat aloof, he bonded with most people but did not have one real friend. He was a free spirit while Porsche saw himself as a part of big machinery, he was supposed to help with something or do a task and not ask questions. They were raised in a lower-middle-class family and after that in a lower class. They never thought outside of the box because it would get you hurt or in the worst scenario - killed. Porsche finished his bowl and placed it on the coffee table, relaxing in his armchair. This was their life now, he couldn't do anything.

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