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After a few days, Taehyung would be training Namjoon's men along with his own even the younger but he hated everything about him

The older would private train the younger often but jungkook would be annoyed seeing him almost everyday

" Jungkook, your fists should aim higher and faster. Try it again " Taehyung says

" We've been at this for two hours, are we done? " The younger replies

" Just finish this up, then you're free to do what you like "

Jungkook scoffs then raised his fists before throwing a punch at the punching bag then the older watched him

" Good enough, you can go now "

" What the hell is the point of this? Why are you training me?! "

" Because you lack skill. You know that as well as I do now stop being such a pest "

" I'm not the one being a pest! You're the one bothering me over training! Do you know how annoying that is?! "

" It's not my fault, you lack skill and experience well you aren't completely useless at least "

" I'll show you useless! " Jungkook says getting close to him throwing a punch as taehyung dodged it grabbing his fist throwing him on the ground then the younger glared at the older from behind

" You son of a-! "

" You're dismissed. "

Jungkook gets up and leaves angrily going to his bedroom as the older smirks to himself knowing how exactly to mess with him

After awhile, the older had a call on his way back home as his driver was taking him home then Taehyung answered the phone call

" Yes? "

" Boss, two of Namjoon's men are now on our side they are now to answer to your every word and request "

" Good. I need you to convince his right hand man, Min Yoongi do you think you can do that? "

" Yes, I know exactly where to hit him " Jimin says smirking slightly

" Then I will leave to it. " Taehyung says hanging up putting his phone away in his coat pocket laying back comfortably

After awhile, the older was home drinking a glass of whiskey with ice having a pack of cigarettes on his desk then taehyung had gotten another phone call answering it

" Yes Tzuyu? "

" I was wondering how you're progress is going with Namjoon's brat "

" I think I got under his skin more than I thought " Taehyung says chuckling softly with a small smirk

" Don't tell me you're liking this brat "

" It's work, Tzuyu. Also it's none of your concern, who I date or who I can be with so keep your thoughts to yourself "

" I'm just saying, who knows? Maybe after you're a little older, you'll want a wife " Tzuyu says moving her hair behind her ear smiling

" I don't need one nor do I want one. I'll be hanging up now, don't waste my time with idiotic fantasies " Taehyung says hanging up

" But- " Tzuyu replies checking her phone as she sighed looking away " he's so cute when he plays hard to get "

The older then notices a text checking it while putting it a cigarette in between his lips lighting it with one of his hands before blowing out smoke from his parted lips

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