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As days passed by, Jungkook was working out while getting better at combat and training but still slightly lacked as he kept thinking about that day

' asshole, I'll show him.. '

" Kook, am I interrupting? " Hoseok says who was the younger's caregiver whenever his parents weren't around

" No, what's up? " Jungkook replies wiping the sweat off his forehead with a towel

" Dinners ready and your parents had to step out for a meeting "

" Right, thanks hyung " Jungkook says sighing softly moving his dark brown hair back as hoseok steps out

As the girl was from before noticed the younger in there by himself, she decided to take this opportunity heading towards him

" Hey jungkook, how was your workout? " She says smiling

" It was fine " Jungkook replies about to walk passed her

" So I was thinking, why don't we go on a date? We both can get to know each other a little better and get some fresh air plus- "

" No thanks "

The younger then leaves completely as she scoffs crossing her arms

" He's playing so hard to get, he's so attractive "

After a shower, the younger had dinner by himself in his room as he looked down at his plate of food taking few bites while drinking his water

Meanwhile with Taehyung, he had a white collared shirt on stained with slight blood as he held his lip placing brass knuckles on his right hand while the other guy was tied to the chair

" Didn't I tell you not to fuck with our money? We just lost fucking profit! " Taehyung says punching him harshly in the face as blood splattered on the floor

" V.. you know I would never betray you..! I'd give my life- "

" Jimin, take care of this shit. I have to clean up " Taehyung says throwing the brass knuckles as jimin nods grabbing his thigh blade

The older steps out the room as he came across someone who worked with him for awhile now and has developed a crush on him for the longest

" Hello V, nice to see you again and more bloody as usual " Tzuyu says smiling holding her black purse

" What brings you here? " Taehyung replies heading into his office as she follows behind noticing his back muscles blushing lightly

" Well, I just wanted to see how you were doing. I haven't seen you in awhile "

" We've both been busy, Tzuyu I actually need your help with something "

" Anything "

" There's been this one person on my mind that I can't get out of "

" And who's that? " She says moving her hair behind her ear

" You know Seokjin and Namjoon's child? I need you to look deeper into his information for me "

" Oh, is there a specific reason why? "

" I met up with him the other day and he's fun to play with, might as well continue it " Taehyung says taking off his bloody shirt as Tzuyu gulped blushing slightly

" Right.. of course I'll look into him for you.. in return, we should go on a date and relax and- "

" I'm too busy, plus no offense we're only friends and that's how I'd like to remain " Taehyung says putting his clean shirt on

" Well yeah but in all honesty, you're so hot V.. when are you going to have someone in your life? Who would be a better match than me? "

" Tzuyu, I don't plan on being with anyone. I don't need anyone nor do I like anyone "

" Then why are you looking into Namjoon's kid? "

" Because he's the only leverage I have to make sure this organization doesn't go under because of the Kim Family. "

" So it's not cause you like him? "

" No, I hardly know this brat. "

" Fine, but at least when this is all over.. you should consider giving me a chance " Tzuyu says before leaving smiling

As night fell, Jungkook was wearing all black and held his motorbike helmet about to head out to the garage before his appa stopped him

" Where are you going so late? " Namjoon says crossing his arms

" Appa, you scared me.. I was going to head out to have a drink with yugyeom "

" You know the rule. You can't go out this late, it's dangerous for you "

" I'm not sixteen anymore, plus I need a little freedom and I don't wanna be stuck here half the time.. "

" Fine but be back by midnight and be safe " Namjoon says ruffling his hair gently as the younger nodded thanking him before walking passed him

Namjoon noticed a few men walking by as he nudged his head towards the younger

" Follow him, make sure he doesn't see you and keep him safe "

" Yes sir "

The younger put his helmet on as he sat on his motorbike before turning it on heading out quickly

Upon arrival, the younger parked his motorbike before heading inside the bar as he approached yugyeom who was already at the bar

" Hey yugyeom, sorry I'm late " Jungkook says sitting down

" You're good, couldn't get started without you " Yugyeom replies

As they drank a few drinks, they talked about what they had going on in their life as jungkook took a few shots

" Your parents are strict, koo.. I don't know how you do it "

" They still care and love me.. it doesn't matter, how's your relationship? "

" It's going well, what about you koo? When will you get into a relationship? "

" Probably never, there's nobody out there for me.. "

" Then tell me who would be the ideal guy for you? Maybe I can help you "

" Well, a little taller than me, dark black hair, slightly muscled but not too much, tattoos would be nice, amazing personality and definitely has some experience in bed "

" Uh huh, I'm afraid that guy only exists in your head kook " Yugyeom says rubbing his head as jungkook sighs placing his head down

Afterwards, jungkook was about to head home but he takes out a cigarette placing it in his mouth lighting it before blowing out smoke

Tzuyu was noticing him as she gets out the bar watching him from afar crossing her arms in slight anger

" How dare you be on V's mind?! He's mine " Tzuyu says as she watches him before going back into the bar


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