Positive 🌱 +

71 2 0

A month passed and all I could do was do things that would prevent my pregnancy like eating less, doing intensive movement, things that would take care of itself but sure enough. I peed on that stick and

➕⏸ Positive


I can't be pregnant! And not with his baby! Well he did want to breed me and here is what happened. How am I going to tell dad? He already never suspected of my promiscuous lifestyle I had before and now? How am I supposed to break the news to anyone and when they ask who the father is what will I even tell them. And this child... I looked down to my still small stomach and said "what will I tell you?" I placed my hands on my stomach, caressing it.

I decided to formally drop out of the university, I've been doing this since I was 13 and now I have more assistance and we've been doing better financially, besides I'll survive, we'll survive. I'll just tell dad I didn't drop out and- OH GOD WHAT AM I GONNA DO!?

Michael never gave me his number or anything, how can I find him? Maybe at any remaining pizzerias? Well he was only after his father so where could he be now?  

3 more months had passed, if I had covered my stomach enough, you wouldn't even know I was pregnant. My father hadn't suspected a thing, other than a lack of covered up feminine products in the trash, (he's not looking for them, he can just tell when by the blood stains in the trash) so I'm safe for now.

While i was make dinner, an ad went on the TV and blasted with some fun 80s music or something


An ad on TV played, the ad was for anyone to apply for a franchise and open their own Freddy Fazbear's Pizzaria location and I had a feeling this is where I might be able to find him again.

On the days I told my dad I was going to classes, I was really on the look for out in search of wherever the new location would be. And after about 3 weeks I finally found him.

The place had delivery trucks brining out old crappy Park benches and wooden stages for newer proper tables and chairs, as well as bringing in brand new kitchen materials like newer pizza ovens, ect. Something didn't sit right, I knew it was him.

I waited until most of the trucks had left to be able to speak with the owner alone. I went around the building to find an entrance inside.

"You shouldn't be back here, you know" said a familiar British voice, must run in the family, will my child sound like that someday?

"Is it really you, Michael?" I asked


He brought me inside, it was warmer.

"So what brings you here? Looking for another job? I can take you up on your offer but-"

"Actually, its something else..." Michael sat up with full attention towards me. I inhaled and said "Im pregnant, your father... is the father"

Michael just sat there in silent shock, this is not at all what he was expecting. "So... what made you think was a good idea to come back here, because I highly doubt my father wou-"

"No, please listen" I sat up "I want to help you with whatever your father has started, I doubt you started a franchise because of ownership or any of that"

"I have my suspicions" Michael sipped his coffee

"So let me help! Help you free the souls or something! I am a mechanic after all"

"Mechanics major and your still young too be caught into all of this, you don't know what you're getting into, you don't know what we've been through"

"So then you know these mechanics better than anyone, and you know there's a chance he might still be out there" I said, refusing to leave "the morning after Fazbear Frights burned down, the only things reported missing were the old mechanic files and the only people reported dead was that guy we saw in the dumpster, no matter how much they looked, Springtrap was nowhere in the rubble"

Michael deeply inhaled "you're not going to leave no matter how much I try to convince you, will you"

"Not until you let me help" I said "besides, I kinda dropped out and imma need a job to support me and my baby as well as convincing my dad im doing something so... we're both in need"

Michael deeply inhaled again "fine, Welcome aboard, miss Y/N, to your new summer job at the new and improved, Freddy Fazbear's Pizza!"

"Its winter"

"Sorry, I've just been listening to too many new employee introduction messages, I don't usually say that" he smiled

And so, I am now the new head Mechanic at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza

The Last Afton (Springtrap x Fem Reader) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя