Chapter 18: A mischievous plan

Start from the beginning

"I will be safe Y/N, focus on your problem." I reminded her.

I got a text from Carter which said: Meet me at the back of the school on the stairs babe.

"Bye Y/N, I'm going to meet Carter." Before pushing my chair in and leaving the table.

"Thank god, now I can actually study." I heard Y/N mumbling to herself.

What an ungrateful little girl.

I walked to the back of the school and saw Carter, smoking another cigarette with weed.

I quickly sat down next to him and made a face.

"I thought you quit drugs and smoking."

He finally saw me and just laughed lightly.

"Babe no need to be so serious all the time, smile for me."

I side-eyed him.

"You told me you were going to quit, it's not good for you at all!"

We've had a conversation like this ever since we've become official.

"Relax Mae, a cigar won't kill me, plus I'm smoking a lot less recently." He continued smoking and made a smoke ring.

"Really." I pointed out at least 6 used cigars on the floor next to him.

"That ain't mine." He lied.

I could really tell that he was lying just by looking in his eyes.

"Sure." I mumbled and scooted a little further away from him.

I'm not getting second hand smoke from him.

"You want to ditch class and go hang out with me and my homies?" He asked.

Ditching class? Sure school sucked but I can't ditch with exams coming up soon. Like I'm no straight A student but I still passed with 80s.

"No, and who are your homies anyway." I questioned coldly.

"Babe we've hung out with them a couple of times." "You know, Robbie and Evan, my bros."

I made another face. Those two names bring me absolute disgust.

Evan Myers is someone who sells drugs to people and makes a profit off of them. I've been trying to find proof of him selling so that he can stop doing that to students.

And Robbie Jones is a skater boy who has been to juvenile for vandalizing private properties. I hated hanging out with them because they would always flirt with me behind Carter's back.

"Why are you being so moody?" Asked Carter with a scoff.

His tone was harsh and cold.

"Why are you always hanging out with people who have either went to juvenile or doing drugs?" I shot back.

"Whatever, your no fun at all." With that, he tossed his cigar on the grass and stumbled off into his friends car and left.

I sat there felling furious. I was looking out for him and he was just going to ignore all of this?

*Bell ring*

I head into chemistry class and sat in my assigned seat. Y/N was next to Min Ho and boy they look really awkward together. Their seats are so far apart and Y/N is trying to look anywhere but at Min Ho.

Sigh. If only I can get those two their happy ending.

I twister the pen around my finger as I took observations of our tomato plants. My partner was Kitty, thankfully so we could actually talk about our plan about Y/N.

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