Case SIX: What about us then?

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After the near-to-tears incident, Mohor was busy in the kitchen as the girls had gone out for some time which Mohor had happily granted.

Meanwhile the boys were plotting.

Plotting how to subtly extract information about their originals.

Everybody knew now how touchy their birth story is for Mohor. So they were being a little sensitive about asking any more questions.

But curiosity was at its peak level.

"Hyung, is it really alright for us to ask Mohor about us?" Jungkook asks as he sips on the banana milk he had bought with the groceries quietly.

"Well....the whole conversation was pretty tensing and sad. Would it be alright to ask?" Jimin says, a bit concerned about Mohor.

"Well......maybe we could just try? Like...try asking her? Cause i sure as hell want to learn about myself." Taehyung says, throwing his hands up in the air.

"Yo! Boys! Come here for a second!" Mohor's voice pulls them out of their discussion as they trudge towards the kitchen table.

Mohor greated them with her signature smile as she had an apron tied around her waist.

"Sit down. I made some snacks for you guys to munch on while i prepare dinner." She says, presenting them a bowl filled with diamond shaped food with resembled fritters.

Staring at it, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook both look at each other, mentally communicating whether to ask her about it or not.

Deciding against it, they picked the warm fritter and put it in their mouth.

Several moans of relishment and content left their throats as they chowed down on it in a blink of an eye.

"What IS this? This is HEAVENLY" Jungkook groans, putting a handle of them in his mouth again.

Mohor laughs, shaking her head as she went back to cooking "it's called Nimki . I had it once or twice. Aditi's grandma used to make them. We used to go GAGA over it." Mohor says with a dramatic gesture.

"Well you surely are gifted in the art of cooking. We thought we had to survive on instant food and coffee. Trust me, it's bad." Taehyung said, eyes closed as he tried to savour the flavour.

"Of course I know. I too relied on them for a time span okay?!?" Mohor says in a cheeky manner as she set the fire on low and went towards the table and sat in front of the guys.

"I know you guys are curious about your originals. So sit tight, this is going to be a crazy ride" Mohor said as she laughed loudly.

Her laugh was disgustingly bad.

Like those which makes you look like your dying.

But it was full of joy and mirth, so that's a plus point.

The ear's of the trio perked up as they looked at Mohor with rapt attention.

"You guys are based on a huge, sensational and handsome k-pop boyband called BTS." Her eyes turned dreamy, cheeks turned a little pink and eyes glossed over in thought.

"They all are the most handsomest in the world in my eyes. It's not like i don't find anyone else handsome, I do. But they are just something else. Their music is impeccable. Their music made me move to tears so many times, but I could never let it go. They are all an inspiration for all the fans around the world. Sadly I never could meet them" she sighs, and suddenly drops her head hard on the wooden table.

The sudden motion startled the three, Taehyung trying hard not to let out the violent coughs.

Loud fake wails could be heard throughout the apartment as Mohor descended into her drama-queen phase.

"I'm so unFORTUNATE. I want MONEY. Why won't ANYONE give mE mOneY?AM i Not PrEttY?" She started rambling shit and the trio were hella confused. They thought this was gonna be a sob session again. They didnt expect such things anyways.

" are pretty?" Jimin said, trying to console the dramatically depressed girl.

Suddenly, her head shoots up, as her stricking red eyes glared daggers at jimin making him instantly back away. What with all these mood swings?

"Why was there hesitance? Why did you end the sentence as if it was a QUESTION!" She hollered, standing up abruptly.

The boys nearly pissed their pants on noticing her eyes turn red from the corners.

"M-Mohor i d-didnt-" Jimin couldn't even finish his words when he suddenly felt a harsh slap on his butt.

Only to see Mohor with a pan in her hand.

"Apologize" she growls out and before she could do any more harm, Jimin ran.

Behind him, Mohor also ran.

" MOHOR IM SORRY- AH! IS THIS-IS THIS AN EGG?" Jimin yelled, trying to dodge the incoming bullets of eggs.

" How did she even get those eggs? Didn't she have a pan with her?" Taehyung whispered, regretting that he was not helping his dear friend/brother. But he didn't want to die so early by the hands of an otherworldly anomaly.


The fritters from his hand fell on the floor, as his eyes widened, witnessing Mohor's face turn towards him creepily steady.

"Wow."as soon as she uttered these words....he too was showered with eggs. This time rotten.

Unfortunately, jungkook was also pulled into this big mess, even though he was peacefully enjoying his fritters. Hell, he was way too busy bang- *AHEM* he was way to busy to even bitch about the said girl.

While the whole apartment was in the verge of breaking, let's look into what the OTHER trip is busy doing shall we?

But sadly. My capacity to write in this certain chapter has ended fairly before than it usually does.

So for now, to be continued 😊

*Camera screeching* *screen showing VOICE ONLY*

*In the bg*


Me: oh wait. I only create- oh shit. WHO BROKE THE CAMERA I SWEAR TO GOD-

*several screams, heavy thuds and shrill screeches* *camera screeches again* *clicks and switches off*

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 01 ⏰

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