"Yeah" Pat laughed and joined in with the good hearted teasing "Pat,there's no goodness in what you're eating whatsoever"

"Why don't you choose something else?" Ant grinned

"Eat something more nutritious" Pat smiled.

"But I wouldn't have him any other way" Ant replied affectionately.

"Me neither" Pat nodded "I love that skinny little runt so much"

"Yeah" Ant beamed "me too"

They were quiet for a moment until Ant was startled out of his thoughts by his phone ringing.

He casually glanced at the screen,then sat bolt upright when he saw who was calling.

"It's him" he stated excitedly "it's Dec"

"Oh my God" Pat said,not sure why she felt slightly nervous "answer it...quickly"

"Dec?" Ant asked cautiously as he answered the phone "is that you?"

"Hi Ant" a cheerful Dec replied.

"Oh Dec" Ant exclaimed and immediately burst into tears,sobbing uncontrollably through utter relief.

"Ant?" Dec asked confused "what's wrong?"

Ant could barely speak through his tears,so Pat took the phone from him.

"Dec?" She said "hi"

"Pat?" Dec asked surprised "what are you doing there?"

"I came to help Ant out" she replied "he needed a bit of looking after"

"But he was supposed to be isolating" Dec stated confused.

"Minor detail" Pat shrugged "he wasn't coping so well with you being so ill and in hospital"

"Poor Ant" Dec sighed "can I talk to him?"

"He's really upset" Pat replied "just give him a minute"

"Upset?" Dec asked confused "why?"

"I think it's just the relief of hearing from you" Pat smiled "he's had a really tough time since you were hospitalised"

"Oh" Dec frowned "poor Ant"

"But how are you doing?" Pat asked concerned "my God Declan,you can't believe how much we've been worrying about you,we were terrified we were going to lose you"

"I was terrified too" Dec replied "I've never felt so ill in my life and not being able to breathe properly...it was so awful"

"You poor thing" Pat sighed,thinking back to what Ant had told her about the horrendous day when he had rushed Dec to hospital "such a horrible experience"

"I'm feeling so much better now" Dec assured her "I can't wait to come home"

"Do you know when that will be?" Pat asked hopefully.

"Not sure yet" Dec frowned "it's chaotic here,practically impossible to get to talk to a doctor,but I'm sure they won't want me here any longer than necessary"

"Yeah,that's true" Pat agreed "hopefully it will be soon"

"I've seen people die" Dec suddenly announced.

"Oh" Pat replied,not really knowing what to say to Dec's statement.

"Yeah" Dec muttered.

Pat knew that such an experience would be having a profound effect on her deeply sensitive little brother,but it was something that hadn't crossed her mind before.

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