Part 47

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Just a little note to say happy 40th birthday today (18th August) to the man whose life this story is based on...the beautiful, talented, unique whirlwind that is Mika Penniman. An amazing person who undoubtedly makes the world a better place ❤️

"That's brilliant news" Pat beamed "I'm so relieved.

"Me too" Ant nodded and threw his arms around her,not being able to hide his delight "Shall I call him?"

"I don't know" Pat frowned "he's not out of the woods yet,maybe send him a text?"

"I've already sent hundreds of those" Ant sighed.

"And has he replied to any?" Pat asked hopefully.

"No" Ant shook his head despairingly "none"

"Well" Pat smiled sympathetically "he wouldn't have felt up to it as he's been so ill,I'm sure he'll be in contact soon,just hang in there"

"Yeah,I know you're right" Ant smiled "I'm just so happy he's getting better,but it's so hard not being able to talk to him"

"I know" Pat nodded "we just need to distract ourselves"

"How?" Ant asked "we've cleaned this place from top to bottom,sorted all the cupboards out,cooked just about every recipe we know,all that stuff in the freezer will last for months,what else is there to do?"

"Dunno" Pat frowned "take the dogs for a long walk?"

"I'm still isolating" Ant pointed out.

"Only till tomorrow" Pat stated "you're almost done,come on,what difference does a few hours make?you can wear a face mask and we'll keep away from people"

"And that is why this thing is spreading like wildlife" Ant frowned "because of that don't care attitude"

"I DO care Ant" Pat said "I promise you that,but I care about you more and if you were only at the beginning of your isolation period,of course I wouldn't expect you to come out,but you're so close to the end and you really need it,come on Ant,please?"

Ant couldn't deny that the thought was very appealing,he would love nothing more than to get some fresh air right now and run around outside with his beloved dogs and as much as he still had reservations,he finally admitted that Pat was right.

He needed to do this for his own sanity and well being.

So just a short while later,Ant and Pat were running happily around the local park with Melachi and Amira and Ant had to admit that it felt damned good.

"Thanks for talking me into that Pat" Ant smiled once they were back at home "it was just what I needed"

"Big sister always knows best right?" Pat grinned.

"Yeah" Ant laughed "you basically are like my big sister aren't you?"

"Yep" Pat beamed "and I wouldn't have it any other way"

They spent the rest of the day relaxing and chatting,watching crappy telly and eating rubbish.

"Dec would be horrified if he could see how unhealthy we're being" Ant frowned.

"Just as well he doesn't know then" Pat laughed.

Ant was quiet for a moment.

"I'd give anything to have him moaning at me about this stuff,right here,right now" Ant sighed.

"Yeah,me too" Pat nodded.

"Ant,why are you eating that shit?" Ant mimicked "don't you know how bad it is for you?"

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