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Peter's pov

"Peter?" I slowly opened my eyes to see MJ staring over me. She smiled a little before standing up "I thought you'd never wake up. I slowly sat up to see that MJ was holding a plate. "You made me breakfast?" MJ nodded as she handed me the plate. Felicia would never do something like this. I love MJ with all my heart. That's why I married her. "MJ I love you. You know that right?" MJ's brows furrowed slightly before realization flooded  her face. "Did you... you and her? You--

"No, No, No, No, No! Felicia and I are strictly professional I swear. I wouldn't do that to you again MJ I promise" I grabbed her hand and she pulled away "you should eat! I've gotta get ready for work" she kissed my forehead and then left. I groaned falling back onto the bed. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything. For the sake of my marriage from now on I won't tell MJ anything else... that has to do with Felicia. As if on cue my phone buzzed and when I picked it up, it was Felicia.

"Make it quick she's already mad at me" I heard Felicia's throaty sexy laugh before she respond "right well wanna go on patrol?" I looked towards the closet to see MJ almost finished dressing "right now?" Felicia made a noise that kinda sounded like a purr and a hmm so I knew she was nodding. "Ok let me get ready. See you in a bit Morgan". Felicia chuckled and hung up. I didn't want to lie to MJ but she was getting insecure which is understandable but also not. I made a mistake one time ten years ago. I was a kid. I got up from the bed and walked into our bathroom quickly getting ready.

"You invited me here, why are you late? Felicia stalked towards me a smirk plastered on her face "for someone who no longer loves me you sure did make an effort" I rolled my eyes under my mask "umm I'm literally wearing my suit how is this making an effort?" Felicia smiled "it's your nice suit". I was wearing my metal suit Mr. Stark made for me. Big deal, who cares.

"Whatever Cat, why are we here". I'm wearing a new suit too. Do you like the fur? Don't worry it's faux!" "Cat" I said in a warning tone and she when finally understood I didn't have time for her games she reset her face into the blank stare it usually is. "My dancer is still undercover she'll hit me up in a few hours" "Cat you should have called me in a few hours I can't spend the whole day with you! Well now I have too because there is just no way MJ won't get suspicious if I leave twice today" she started laughing "fuck she doesn't know you're with me? You're gonna be in trouble" I groaned "literally shut up Felicia".

She did a handstand and walked away from me on her hands. "Don't fight destiny baby" she stood upright and then jumped off the ledge.

I swung through the city alongside Felicia, the familiar rush of wind and the distant sounds of the city filling my senses. Even with the distractions, my mind couldn't shake the guilt of keeping this secret from MJ. The last thing I wanted was to jeopardize my marriage. "So, what's on the agenda while we wait, Cat?" I asked, trying to shift the focus. Felicia did a few acrobatic flips in the air before responding, "We've got reports of some strange activity down by the docks. Might be worth checking out."

As we reached the docks, the city below us began to transform into a different world. The neon lights reflected off the water, casting an eerie glow. Felicia gracefully landed on a rooftop, and I followed suit. "Let's keep this quick," I urged. "I've got to get back before MJ gets too suspicious." Felicia winked at me. "Don't worry, Spider. I won't keep you from your domestic bliss for too long."

We swung down to street level and patrolled the area, keeping an eye out for any signs of trouble. The night air was crisp, and the silence between us was broken only by the distant sounds of the city. As we investigated a warehouse near the edge of the docks, Felicia whispered, "So, Spider, you ever think about what life would be like without the mask? A normal life?" I sighed, realizing this was a conversation I couldn't avoid forever. "All the time. But I made a choice. With great power comes great responsibility, right?"]

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