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"Doe eyed as you buried me"

Peter's POV
"So I was thinking that after the movie we could grab dinner?" I knew MJ was there but I wasn't really focused on what she was saying "yeah great"

Black Cat, her white blonde hair with big brown eyes. She was very sarcastic and kind of rude but she made me laugh and that has to count for something "or maybe we could skip the date and just go jump off buildings into the ocean" "whatever you want" I wasn't sure what she asked but who cares "Peter?!" I looked up at her "are you even listening to me?" I sighed "no".

MJ sighed "do you want to talk about it?" I looked at her and I felt like I had it break up with her. Technically it wasn't cheating but I just hated that I couldn't tell her. "No it's fine just Avenger stuff" she smiled "so you can't tell me Avenger stuff?" I sighed "I mean I guess I could" how could I word this without giving away the fact that I've been hanging out with a criminal?

"We'll there's this one bad guy that Mr. Stark has trusted me with but I can't quite catch them. So I've been staying out late trying to catch them" she nodded and leaned in towards me.

"Yeah I get it Peter but you have to take care of yourself also. Tony Stark will understand that you come first he comes second" I stared at her and gave her a small smile "I'm his eyes no one comes before him or the Avengers" she laughed and Ned walked over to us smiling.

"Hey guys" MJ sat up and looked at him "hey Ned" since Ned was finally here I was able to think about her again! Black Cat, if anyone found out about us or even just her it would all be ruined. I looked between Ned & MJ Black Cat had to stay my secret I couldn't tell anyone at all.

The bell rang and I stood up "I gotta go because I have to talk to Mr. Stewart about an extension bye" I ran out the library and headed for the exit as quick as I could. I only had one class left and sure it was only 2:45 but I had to make sure that tonight was perfect because maybe just maybe she would finally take her mask off.


I paced back and forth on the roof as I impatiently waited for Black Cat. It was already 12:18 and I was afraid the chocolates were melting. I checked them for the millionth time and sighed in relief when they were fine.

I heard the sound of a can being knocked over so I looked over the edge of the roof. When I saw nothing I turned back to see her standing behind me! "I was worried you weren't going to show" I heard her laugh "are those for me pretty boy?" I looked down at my arms and I was thankful I had my mask in because I was flushed red.

"Umm yea" I gave her the chocolates and the dark red roses. She surprisingly took them and I saw her smile, not the creepy Cheshire smile but a real genuine smile. "How was your day?" She sighed and sat down dangling her feet over the ledge.

She opened the box of chocolates and started eating "I failed my math test" this was such an ordinary thing for her to say way to boring "so you're in high school then" she laughed "are you gonna sit down, spider?" I sat down next to her almost reactively and she gave me a chocolate.

"Spider?" I looked at her and I saw that she seemed sad less energetic than usual "yeah?" "Do you ever dream about running away and going somewhere no one would ever find you?" I watched her "yeah all the time... well unless I'm with the Starks and my aunt" she chuckled "the chocolates are great thank you Spider".

I smiled even though she couldn't see me "you're welcome Black Cat" she smiled and I scooted closer to her. She watched me for a second before placing her head on my shoulder "is this ok?" I wanted to tell her that it was more than ok but I kept it cool "yeah" I heard her laugh and I smiled.

"Hey why weren't you here yesterday?" She removed her head from shoulder and stood up "no reason I just had some family stuff that I couldn't get away from" "at 12 in the morning" I could tell she was lying but I didn't want to ruin this moment so I ignored it.

"Ok so what do you want to do tonight" she watched me for a while "I have to get home" I watched her and I felt like someone had stabbed me "why?" She scoffed "just family stuff" she leaned down and grabbed the roses.

She walked right up to me and smiled. She reached her hand up and caressed my face the the back of her hand "I'll see you tomorrow though! Right at 12  and we can go and actually do something. Spider?" "Yes Black Cat?" She leaned in real close "thanks for the roses" with that she did a backflip of the roof.

"You're incredible Black Cat" I watched her speed off into the night and I could have followed her but that was an invasion of privacy and I wanted her to tell me not me finding out. I still felt all warm and fuzzy inside so I swung around for a little bit before going home.

A/N: Sorry for taking forever 💜

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