First Day Back

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"But I say that I hate you with a smile on my face"

Peter's POV
Aunt May said I could stay at the Stark's the whole weekend which was good and also bad. Good because I love being over here but bad because that meant on Monday I'd have to wake up at 4 instead 6. I suppose I could sleep in the limo.

I crawled out of my bed and walked out my room. I could hear shuffling downstairs and in Mr. and Mrs. Stark's room. I went to the bathroom to get ready for school.

When I finished with my shower, teeth, face, and hair I went back to my room with my towel wrapped around my waist. I heard a door creak open and I froze "Hi Peter!" I looked down to see Morgan standing in the hallway.

"Oh hey Morgie!" She smiled and walked to the bathroom but stopped at the door turning to face me "Peter will you pick me up from school?" I pondered this for a second "I don't have a car Morgie" she smiled mischievously "I know".

I went into my room and headed for my closet to grab some clothes. I grabbed a white shirt, blue pants, and my grey sweater.

I grabbed my shoes and walked downstairs. "Good morning Peter" I saw Pepper cooking in the kitchen and I smiled at her "good morning Mrs. Stark" she smiled and the returned to making the eggs. "Oh Happy brought your school bag! It's by the door" "great thank you! Oh umm Mrs. Stark?" She turned around and looked worried.

"What's wrong Peter?" I laughed nervously "nothing is wrong it's just... Morgan asked if I could pick her up from school today and I was wondering if I could?" Pepper gave me a sweet smile "of course you can Peter! Oh that reminds me what time does your school start?" I walked into the kitchen and leaned against the counter.

"7:35" she nodded and started platting the food. "Yo Pep, what are your making?" Tony asked coming down the stairs "hey Pete!" Tony slapped my shoulder and I flinched "umm hey Mr. Stark".

I heard running down the stairs and I knew Morgan was ready to leave. "Good morning family!" Tony snuck into the kitchen and grabbed Pepper's coffee. "Tony— "I need it more than you babe" Morgan grabbed my leg "walk me to the dining room Peter!" I smiled and pretended to be a dinosaur.

"Guys breakfast!" I set Morgan down before also sitting down. "Thank you mommy" "thank your Mrs. Stark" Morgan and I said together at the same time. Tony also sat down and started eating.

"Tony, Peter has to be at school by 7:35 and Morgan needs to be there by 8:00" Tony rolled his eyes "yeah I know, Pep what time is it?" Pepper walked over to us "it's 5:37 Tony" he groaned and stood up "yeah, yeah ok we're going, we're going! Kids in the car you've got 10 minutes".

When Tony walked away Morgan and I mocked him "kids in the car you've 10 minutes" Pepper laughed. I walked over to the front door and grabbed my bag waiting for Morgan.

Morgan ran over to me with her Avengers backpack on her back. "Wait, wait, wait" Pepper came running over to us with on heel on and the other in her hand along with two brown bags. "You guys almost forgot your lunches, turn around" Pepper opened our bags and put the lunches in. "Thank you!" Morgan and I ran to the car and slid in.


Generally I love school! I find it to be exciting but not today. Today I was anxiously waiting for it all to be over. Today was my first official day back at Midtown since the Blip and I was honestly feeling very uneasy about it. What if Ned and MJ didn't Blip!? I felt my heart rate start to speed up so I thought about Morgan.

I walked through the crowded halls filled with confused kids. I saw Ned and I smiled. I ran over to him and we hugged. "Oh man I was so scared you didn't Blip! Not that I want you to Blip it's just— "Peter I get it! So you wanna tell me about how you saved the world?!" "Ned you gotta be quiet".

Thankfully school passed by rather quickly. Midtown High was about 30 minutes from Veeder Elementary so if I left now I would make it in time to pick Morgan up. "Peter?" I turned to see MJ smiling at me. "Hi!" "Oh hey MJ" "ugh where you going?" "MJ I would love to talk but I gotta go pick up my little sister". It was out there and I couldn't just take that back. "Your little sister?" She asked confusedly "yeah she happened during the Blip, she's ugh Tony Stark's daughter! Can we talk about this later I gotta go".

I ran off and as soon as I was far enough away I webslung over to her school. I stopped behind her school before jogging over to the front. I walked over the first adult I saw "Hey I'm looking for Morgan Stark" "and you are?" I shuffled nervously "I'm Peter Parker her... her— "my big brother!" I felt Morgan's hand grab mine and I smiled at her.

"Morgan do you know this man?" Morgan laughed as she  climbed onto my back "yes he's the closest thing I have to a big brother! You may call my father if need be! Peter is 17" the teacher finally stopped looking so judgey "alright I'll see you tomorrow Morgan".

When we were far away from the school and public eye I smiled and grabbed Morgan "are you ready for this?" She smiled her big smile and nodded crazily "alright just don't tell Mr.— your dad" I threw my arm in the air and soon we were flying.

"OH MY GOD PETER THIS IS AMAZING!" I got so caught up and I let go of Morgan and she fell. I grabbed her quickly making it seem as if I meant to do that.

When we arrived back at the Stark house Tony was sitting on the porch drinking from his mug. "Really Peter?" I was starting to feel nervous and I wanted to go run "Morgan did you have fun with Peter?" She smiled licking her donut "yes daddy, I love Peter" Tony rolled his eyes "alright come inside kids" we walked in but I just couldn't wait for tonight when I got to see her again.

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