See You Again

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8 years later

I wasn't entirely sure why I was called here but all those years ago I promised her I would come when she called. I landed on the roof tripping slightly. "Hmm I thought spiders always landed on their feet" I smiled and turned to face her "no that's cats" she gave me a big smile and I walked over to her and picked her up hugging Felicia. "How are you? You look real— really pretty" she gave me a small smile and pulled on her skirt.

"Thank you, you look really nice as well" I looked at Felicia analyzing her. It seems she cut off her hair to a little longer than her shoulders. She must have dyed her hair from her natural moonlight color to a pale blonde. "So why did you call me here?" Felicia sighed before taking my hands "a ring? You married that square?" I pulled away and stepped back "so ugh.. why did you call me?"

She gave me that Cheshire Cat smile and I was sent back to all those years ago. My phone rang cutting the tension. "It's MJ, I'll just be a second" I grabbed my phone out and answered it.

"MJ hey what's up" "hey I ugh was just wondering when you were going to be home because Ned and I are thinking about dinner ideas" "oh whatever you guys choose is fine" "Peter where are you?" I looked over at Felicia who was now doing handstands and backhand-springs "I umm I'm patrolling" Felicia's skirt rose up and my eyes went big "MJ I'm going to have to call you right back" "Peter wha—

I hung up on her and walked over to Felicia. "It won't be fair to MJ" Felicia dragged her finger down my chest and I shivered "that's ok my boyfriend probably wouldn't approve either" BOYFRIEND?!! "You have a boyfriend?" She smiled that Cheshire Cat smile and I rolled my eyes "yeha I do" she kissed my cheek and I smiled. "It was good to see you cat but I should really go" she smiled "yeah I'll see you around".

I smiled at her and she kissed me on the lips. She ran off the roof and jumped. "I'll see you cat" this time I didn't look over the ledge. Instead I swung away.

A/N: I'm debating if this is going to be the end of their story or if I should make a act 2 I'll let y'all know but for now this will be the end💜

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