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"One heart broke, four hands bloody"

Peter's POV
I swung across all the buildings happily landing on our rooftop. Felicia was standing against a wall and I crawled over to her so I was upside down "hey Cat" she didn't give me a smile nor did she give me a snarky remark. "Hey are you alright?" She moved away from me and I jumped down so I was on the floor with her "We have to break up".

I felt like my heart was being ripped right from my chest. "Wha... what do you mean?" She was still turned away from me so I couldn't see her face "I don't want to be with you Spider" I felt like I was being ran over by that train all over again. I wasn't good enough for her.

"But Cat I love you" I heard her chuckle "Spider you don't love me, you love the thrill of our relationship! Besides I don't love you" I felt my eyes prick under the mask "Cat you don't mean that you— "I WAS USING YOU! I don't love you I never did! You mean nothing to me! Our relationship everything was fake!" She was in my face now and even though it concealed most of her face it didn't conceal her eyes.

Her mouth was saying we didn't mean anything but her eyes, she loves me just as much as I love her! She turned away from me and walked over to the ledge "oh yeha and another thing, I was the one who broke into Avengers Tower and I did it all because I had you wrapped around my finger" she was about to jump but she turned around once more her moonlight hair almost glowing in the moonlight. "Stay out of trouble kid" then she was gone within the night.

I felt like I couldn't breathe so I took my mask of and I started hyperventilating so I curled into a ball and laid there. Maybe this as just a bad dream and Felicia and I were still together! This couldn't be true, we couldn't be over not after everything we've been through. I started crying and then I heard jets.

"Hey kid" I looked up to see Mr. Stark in his Ironman suit flying above me "wanna go get ice cream? I hear they finally added a Spider-Man flavor" I wiped away my tears and walked over to the ledge "I think I'm just gonna go home and take a nap. I just don't feel too well" Mr. Stark said something but I didn't hear him because I was already gone swing home.

Earlier that day

Felicia's POV
"Yeah, yeah of course she can! She'd love to do that" I watched my mom talk to someone on the phone about me. "Yeah of course, Felicia is ready to take any project on" I rolled my eyes and walked over to my mom.

I grabbed her phone and walked away "hi this is Felicia, I can't do the modeling thing because I don't want to" I hung up on them and my mom glared at me. "Felicia Hardy what the hell has gone through your head? We need this" I rolled my eyes and my dad walked down the long marble stairs. "Felicia listen to your mother" I sighed and thought of Peter.

"No I don't want to do the gig" my mom narrowed her eyes at me "you are such an ungrateful little— "I gotta go" I walked out of the penthouse with my mom yelling after me. I didn't want to be ungrateful I was just sick of doing their dirty work "Felicia Hardy" I stopped and turned around only to become face to face with Tony freaking Stark.

"What do you want?" "Here's what's going to happen, you're gonna break up with Pete and please be as mean as possible— "umm why would I do that?" Tony gave me a small smile "well because I know things about you, things you wouldn't want Peter to know and I have enough evidence on you to get you locked up for... hmm I don't know 20 years".

Peter was truly the best thing that has ever happened to me but I couldn't exactly be with him if I was locked up "what happens if I break up with him?" "Well I'll get rid of the evidence and we'll leave you alone as long as you stay out of our sight. I bet this deal seems great you little theif" "I don't wanna hurt Peter, I, I love him" Tony rolled his eyes "no, no you don't love Peter and Pete doesn't love you. This is just rebellion! Like ugh Romeo and Juliet you two love the thrill but you aren't in love".

"Ok, I'll do it" I looked up at Tony and he had a smile on his face "I'll break up with Peter" "glad we came to an agreement" he walked away and I went back to my penthouse "umm where did you go?! HEY!" I ignored my mom and continued on to my room. I quickly got dressed in my cat suit before jumping out of the window. "I'm sorry Peter".

A/N: Aww thank you all sm for 1k 🤧 I made a little something for our favorite forbidden love story 💜✨

A/N: Aww thank you all sm for 1k 🤧 I made a little something for our favorite forbidden love story 💜✨

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