12|| Suspicions

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Nick was in his office downstairs, multitasking- typing away on his laptop while propping his phone up with his shoulder as Jackie's voice beamed through the other end. He felt increasingly flustered as he listened to Jackie drag on about the neighborhood gossip concerning Lesley.

"Nick, don't you think you should take Lesley back to see Dr. Benson?" Jackie urged, her voice laced with concern and a hint of irritation, "I hate to be the one to say it, Nick, but something isn't right with her."

Nick swallowed hard, and a rage of fire shot through his chest. He took a deep breath, trying his best to calm his emotions. He wanted to lash out at Jackie for her disparaging comments about his wife. However, Nick had more self-respect for himself than that, so he politely declined to partake in any further discussion about his wife, whom he loved dearly.

"Jackie, can we drop the subject." Nick started, "I love my wife, and she's getting the care she needs."

"Alright, if that's how you feel, Nick, I'll drop it." Jackie replied in a mundane tone.

Nick felt the awkwardness in her words and decided to interject by switching to a new subject, "Jackie, I've been wondering if you could get the Meyers' landscaper's information for me?" Nick started, "Whoever they used to maintain their property did an amazing job, and I would like to hire that person."

Lesley could hear Nick mumbling, but the words seemed to dissolve into the air before reaching her ears. She was not too far from his office as she stood in the kitchen, slicing cucumbers on her rustic wood cutting board. She scooped up the pieces of cucumber and gently dropped them into her glass of sparkling water. Bubbles formed, dancing around the ice and cucumbers. The crisp scent of the cucumbers drifted into the air, invigorating and nostalgic, transporting Lesley back to her youthful summers spent in rural New York, mischievously playing in her grandmother's garden. She took a vitalizing sip, hydrating her dry throat.

Lesley stepped out of the kitchen and strolled toward Nick's office. As she walked with the cup of water in her hand, the ice cubes swayed back and forth against the glass cup and crackled, echoing into her ears.

She stopped in front of his cluttered space, her eyes fixated on Nick, but he was unaware of her presence as he chatted away on the phone.

Lesley casually leaned against the doorway, resting her shoulder against the frame while cradling the glass of sparking water between her hands. A faint smile etched on her face as she soaked in the joy of Nick's mere presence. She was grateful for him- he was more loving and supportive than she ever thought she deserved.

Nick ended his call with Jackie. Removing the phone from his ear, he gently set it on his desk. His eyes meticulously scanned his cluttered desk and landed on a large stack of papers. As Lesley looked on, he hurriedly shuffled through them with a sense of urgency. Still, he was oblivious to her presence as he remained consumed by his task.

"What was that conversation with Jackie all about?" Lesley inquired, raising her brows curiously. Nick quickly lifted his head, meeting her gaze.

"How long have you been standing there?" Nick asked, allowing the papers in his hands to fall freely back onto the desk.

"Long enough to know that you were talking to Jackie." Lesley peered down at her glass and took a sip. The condensation from the cold glass seeped into her hands, causing delicate water streaks on her fingers.

Nick rubbed his forehead, "Oh, she just gave me information for the Meyers' landscaper."

Lesley's mouth agape, "What?" her eyes grew large, "We can find our own landscaper, Nick."

The revelation that Nick had contacted Jackie for the Meyers' landscapers' information infuriated Lesley. She knew about the rumors circulating in town, how the Meyers saw her as some psychotic freak and sent Jackie over to their home to do their dirty work.

The realization only added to her growing sense of unease and frustration. But she learned that the rumors meant she would have to keep everything under wraps. She would conduct her own investigation with the help of none other than Officer Grant.


Lesley knew that Grant often worked the late-night shift, probably the graveyard shift, as he had been there when she had fallen unconscious and woke up in the forest in the middle of the night.

As evening approached, her mind pondered on the case. She couldn't distract herself from it, no matter how hard she tried. A yearning desire to go out there and conduct further investigations engulfed her.

"I'm tired, Nick. I think I'm going to call it a night," Lesley announced, faking a yawn for added effect. Nick glanced at her with a hint of concern.

"You don't usually go to bed this early," he remarked, peering down at the smartwatch on his wrist, "It's only eight o'clock, Les. Are you feeling alright?"

"Yes, Nick. I'm fine, just tired," she fibbed, masking her true feelings with a reassuring smile.

"Okay, if you say so," Nick responded, his hands resting on each side of him on the couch. "I'll be up later. I want to finish this movie," he added, a slight smile forming on his lips. Lesley nodded; her mind was preoccupied with her planned event of the evening. With a peek on the lips, she left Nick to finish up his movie.

As she headed upstairs, the weight of her thoughts trailed behind her as she retreated to their bedroom. Closing the door behind her, she breathed out a sigh of relief. She knew it was time to call Officer Grant, but she had to do it inconspicuously not to alarm Nick.

Lesley felt her heart speed up as she slipped her hand into the pocket of her jeans, retrieving her phone. Without hesitation, she quickly scrolled until she found Grant's name and pressed the call button, placing the phone to her ear.

It rang a few times before he answered, his voice deep and authoritative, "Hello, Officer Grant speaking."

"Hey, Officer Grant," Lesley greeted, attempting to sound friendly, "I have a few questions about Leah Meyers."

He cleared his throat, "What would you like to know?"

"I read a newspaper article that mentioned Leah Meyers was having an affair with a city councilman here in Arcaden," Lesley began, her voice tinged with nervousness, "Do you happen to know who that city councilman is?" She paced back and forth in place, anxiously waiting for a response, especially after discovering that Denise had recently married an Arcaden city councilman one year ago.

"I think it would be best if you come down to the station. There's a lot to unpack here about Leah Meyers," Grant suggested.

Lesley agreed to go down to the station. She said goodbye to Grant and slowly brought the phone down from her ear.

A sense of unease washed over her as she realized she had likely opened a can of worms and possibly more. The weight of uncertainty and apprehension settled in, leaving Lesley anxious about the information Grant would soon relay to her.


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