2|| The Move In

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The hum of morning traffic outside their bedroom window rattled Lesley awake. As her eyes snapped open, an unbridled excitement surged within her chest. Today marked their final day in their lower-level condo nestled in the heart of a high-rise in the middle of New York City.

Lesley couldn't wait to bid farewell to the city once and for all.

They had signed the papers with the bank more than three weeks ago and were able to close on their home sooner than expected, just before the end of August, causing butterflies of excitement to swarm within Lesley's stomach. Grateful that she'd have the opportunity to experience the lingering summer months in beautiful Arcaden.

Nick was anxious about the move, though. Not only were they uprooting and moving to a new area, but the financial aspect of the new home also sat in the back of his head, alerting him like a fire alarm warning of danger.

It's not that they couldn't afford it. Nick was a Software Engineer for one of the top tech companies in the world, and Lesley was a Tech Recruiter. That's how she met Nick. He applied to one of her postings on an online job board. She prepared him for an unbelievable career opportunity, and while doing so, he grew a liking to her. It had been eight years now, and neither Lesley nor Nick would have it any other way.

Their New York condo was purchased five years ago- a few months after their wedding. However, now at thirty-three years old, they were buying their first house together. Jackie was due to meet them at the lake house that afternoon. There she would hand over the keys to Lesley and Nick, making the home officially theirs.

Lesley sat up in bed, sweeping her long, frizzy hair out of her face and over her shoulder; the curls tumbled down her back. Leaning over, her elbow sunk into the soft mattress as she stole a fleeting glance at Nick while he slept. His mouth was wide open while he snored louder than a freight train blowing its horn. Gently placing her hands on his shoulders, she shook him awake.

The sun's rays streamed in through the open slits of the wooden blinds, spilling light into the apartment as Nick struggled to peel his eyes open, squinting as the sun's glare dived into his warm brown eyes.

"What time is it?" Nick groaned, his voice laced with grogginess. Covering his mouth with his hand, he yawned. Lying in bed, a dull numbness tingled at the base of his neck, he came to the realization that he must have once again slept in an awkward position.

Had I slept crooked all night?

He placed his hand behind his neck, hoping to massage out the kink.

"It's eight, Nick!" Lesley exclaimed with much enthusiasm, "Today's the day!" She threw the blankets off of her body and jumped on the bed like a kid on Christmas morning.

Nick pulled the blankets over his head, hoping Lesley would stop jumping on the bed like a juvenile. He knew it was only a matter of time before she would drag him out of the house and down to the coffee shop a few blocks away.

"Let's go to the coffee shop after I take my shower," Lesley announced, a smile decorating her face as she reveled in her early morning excitement.

Coffee is just what I need. Nick thought.

Lesley wandered out of their master bathroom and into the bathroom across the hall. Bending down, she leaned over the ceramic tub. The coldness of the knob seeped into her palm as she twisted the crystal knobs labeled "H" and "C." The water burst forth from the showerhead with an invigorating force. Lesley undressed and stepped into the subway-tiled shower. The refreshing water cascaded down her back. The square window positioned above the shower was open. The enticing aroma of sizzling bacon and eggs frying on the nearby cafe's grill drifted into their apartment, permeating the air and causing Lesley's mouth to water and her stomach to rumble.

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