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I wake up hearing a loud whistle. Instead of moving to show, im awake. i just sit there incase im in danger.

I hear derek and deaton behind me. I still dont get up because im curious about what they are doing. Eventually, derek gets up and runs over to me.

"Jev! Hey, wake up, are you ok? "
Derek frantically shakes me, trying to wake me up

"Hey there, beautiful."

"The flirting tells me you're ok,"
Derek helps me up and then gets mad at deaton.
They start arguing? Talking? I dont know.

I walk over to the hole in the wall when the floor breaks, and i fall in. The both of them look over at me

"You ok?"

"You know im doing dandy,"

"Alright," they both look away without even trying to help me. Annoyed, i sat there till they stopped talking. They were about to leave WITHOUT ME.

"EXCUSE ME. Where do you think you're going? "
Derek deciding to be an asshole

"You said you were fine,"
After that, the two of them just left

"You have got to be kidding me,"

After about thirty minutes, i eventually get enough strength to climb out. I swear im going to kill derek. Following dereks scent, i ended up at the sheriffs station.
The closer i get, the more things i smell. Scott, stiles, three random people, and blood alot of it.

I hear fighting and yelling. I shift and climb in a window without anyone noticing im there. I follow dereks' scent again to a room where they all are expected for one. And stiles is on top of derek?
I decided to go for dramatics instead of strategy.

"Damn, Stiles didn't think of you as a man stealer."
Everyone turns to me. Matt keeps his gun pointed at scott, but tells Jackson to swipe me. Whatever that means. I hiss at him, but he doesn't move.

After yelling at Jackson, Matt turns around and shots me in the neck. Ya, the neck. I probably should have done something, but i was so confused why Jackson just stood there.

I can heal from a shot to the neck, but it takes longer. So i ended up just sitting on the floor holding my neck to help stop the bleeding.

Matt goes back to talking to scott, but he gets angry when Stiles says something he doesn't like.
Matt pulls him off of derek and holds his foot on his neck until scott listens. What is with this guy and necks.

They leave, and we hear a gunshot after a while. They eventually come back, but at that point, all of my energy is focused on healing, making it so i have no idea whats happening.
I pass out thinking im gonna die

I wake up healed but weak again. I can feel someone wrapped around me when i look Jackson is holding me well, staring at derek and Stiles.

When he realizes im awake, he swipes the back of my neck with his claw. I now understand what Matt meant. He grabs my arm and drags me into another room, puts me on a couch? And leaves.

Matt does his whole evil villain story explaining why he did what he did. Bla bla bla all stupid stuff.

The lights go out and the emergency alarm turns on. We hear alot of gunshots then smoke bombs comes in through the windows. Scott tackles Jackson down and grabs stiles. Derek comes over to help me up.


"No way"

"Jeverton im serious its not safe"

"Are you forgetting i have the same abilities as you"

"I dont care go please"
Derek looks at me with tears in his eyes

"You must really like me to care this much derek"

"How can i not"
He grabs my face and pulls me in for a kiss. Its the best I've ever had its soft and caring.

"Now please go. I dont want you getting hurt"

"I cant leave derek i need to help"

"As your alpha i command you to LEAVE"

"Oh you command me!"
Now this is becoming an argument

After that derek runs away leaving me alone. He has to know im not going to listen.

I run out the room to help but right away multiple hunters shoot at me. I run into another room where there is no one. Well i thought there was no one. I turn around to see matt and Jackson

"Hello bastard"
Matt looks at me in disgust again.

"Hello weirdo"

"Very nice. Listen i dont care about you alright you're just an annoying little whore so just get out of my way"

"What did you just call me!"

"You heard me"
I hiss at him because how dare he call me that

"I wouldn't do that. Because remember whats behind me"

I look at Jackson in fear. Dont judge me he looks terrifying.
Matt picks up a camera from who knows where.
"Now sit still i just want a little picture. Will help me remember what you looked like"

Matt point the camera at me takes a picture then stands back and watches.
After a bit his face slowly turns confused.
"Jackson NOW"

Jackson dosen't move.
"Now Jackson kill him"
He's getting angry now but Jackson is still not moving
"God damn it do i have to do everything by myself"

Matt pulls a gun from his waist band and points it at me before he can pull it Jackson runs to me tackling me down

Instead of killing me right there he picks me up and runs out the window. He runs a pit but just stops in the middle of the woods and puts me down. Just like last time he just stares at me then leaves me there.


By the time i got back the chaos was calmed down derek walks out to me and hugs me

"Im so glad you're ok"

"Just had a run in with the kanima is all but it ended up alright"

"Dont think i didn't notice you ignore my command"

"I only listen to sexy commands"

"Oh really?"
Derek grabs my hand and starts running towards my house

Let's just say we had fun

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