just stay with me

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Dereks pov

I slowly open my eyes my head hurts and i dont remember anything. I look to my side to see jeverton laying beside me holding my hand in his sleep


He slowly opens his eyes at first there his cat eyes but he blinks turning them.

He coughs and comes closer to me
"It hurts what happened"

"I don't know. Are you ok"
He tries to answer me but slowly falls back asleep

"No no jev.. jev please. Just stay with me"
I put my hand on his face and fall asleep as well.

Last night

After what happened with Peter and Lydia i watch them leave well im stuck.

After a few minutes of just laying there i hear someone getting close to the house

I try to get up but i cant. Whoever it is walks in. Correction crawls in.
Its to dark to see who it is but i see glowing eyes and a tail.

At first i think its the kanima but as they get closer i see its jeverton.

"Hey jev.. are you ok"
He dosen't answer me and keeps walking closer

He gets on top of me and starts purring.
"Jev snap out of it, its just the full moon"

He lies down on top of me. I dont know why but he starts scratching me. I try to get him to stop but he won't. He digs his claws in deeper.

"Stop jev" no matter how hard i try i can't get him to stop he's just stronger then me. I've never had that happen

"Jev im so sorry" i stop trying to push him away and dig my claws into his back.

He hisses and digs his claws deeper.
I flip us over and slam his head into the floor knocking him out.

"Im so sorry jev, im so so sorry"
His claw marks aren't healing they keep bleeding till i pass out beside him.

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