Epilogue: Final Page.

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Epilogue: Final Page.

[A/N]: Wow. I ACTUALLY managed to complete a book?! Impossible. Anyways, book two: August 11th, be there or be.. SQUARE!!!!!

It really was them.



Their expression quickly dropped as they then flipped the old, worn page, landing on the page that sent them down memory-lane in the first place.

...It was.. Them. It didn't feel as if it could be real, and yet, here they were.


Shamura then sighs, taking their eyes off the page for a brief second, lightly cradling their forehead, feeling a little fatigued themself.

...Fuzzy those days now seemed, an aeon ago, they took place.

It hurt to remember, they couldn't help but admit, but... It was nice. Getting to let their shoulders fall, and look back on things, how they used to be.

...It didn't mean they had no regrets, far from it. But it was nice getting a change for once.

Perhaps they ought to keep this somewhere else, just to ensure it won't be forgotten again-

Knock... Knock...


...Just to ensure it won't be forgotten again-

Knock. Knock.


Just to ensure it won't be forgotten again, after all... Where should they place this?-


They let out a soft hiss, muttering something to themself, snapping the book shut. "I have repeated myself countless-...Of times..?"

A wave of confusion rose in them, gave shifting from the opened door, and back to their seat at the desk, did they leave that door open, or...

One of their hands reached out for something behind them, feeling around the tabletop, trying to find the book left there, whilst still keeping their gaze set somewhere else.


...They tensed, now feeling an uncomfortable, slimy texture wrap around their wrist, quickly trying to struggle out of its grip, turning around.

Harshly yanking on the tentacle keeping their hand held firm, they tore it off, simply staring at its holder for a while in confusion.

The figure seemed unrecognizable for a moment... It wasn't until he finally seemed to speak up, was when they quickly recognized who it was.

"Er-... Sorry.. You didn't seem... As if you were in the state to be bothered.."

Kallamar nervously added a light chuckle, feeling relieved as he noticed them relax, their stature returning to its typical, hunched over posture, their gaze softening.

They shook their head. "No... No. Don't fret, it is nothing.. No.. It's nothing."

Just from his expression alone, he seemed to look a little apologetic, his gaze flickering back and forth between actual eye contact, and blatantly staring at their bandages.

... "I am fine." They bluntly replied, tone returning harsh.

Kallamar muttered a soft apology, quickly avoiding locking gazes with them, eyes trailing back off to the floor.

...Their head still felt icky with the slimy texture wrapping around their forehead.. Right, they were supposed to change them. From an accident?

Right, and they were supposed to re-organize the shelves as well. Wait.. No, they already did that.

"...Uhm.. If it weren't a bother to you.."

Their gaze quickly snapped back to Kallamar, blankly staring at him, expectant of a follow-up.

"I was.. Here for the.. book?"



"Oh, right.. Silly me." They mumbled to themself, seemingly unaware of voicing their thoughts out loud.

Snatching the book carelessly left on the table, they shoved it into his grasp, Kallamar nearly dropping it at the abrupt action.

He murmured a quiet thank you, before then flinching as he felt two firm hands grip his shoulders, Shamura now directly looking him in the eye.


Awkwardly shifting under their gaze, he just kept waiting for something to come out of them, eventually tilting his head in a signal of questioning.

...But nothing.. Ever came.

Muttering something to themself, they let go of him, keeping a single hand on his shoulder, gently nudging him aside.


Opening his mouth to respond, he quickly shut it, now hesitantly following them, their hand still firmly attached to his shoulder, slightly dragging him along.

The two bishops approached the library doors, the elder one of the two letting go of him, pausing in their tracks, now blankly staring at the wooden frame of the door.




Shamura slightly shook their head, now mumbling to themself, swinging open the large doors, now completely ignoring the flurry of dust still coming down on them as the doors were opened.

"Nevermind.. That. Out you go."


And just like that, he was lightly shoved out the room, doors slammed shut as he exited.

He winced, softly yelping in pain, tugging at a tentacle having been caught in the doorway as he exited the room, rubbing it gingerly.

...Kallamar let out a sigh, now looking back at the item in his hands.

"...This isn't even the right book.." He mumbled to himself.


Well.. Perhaps that would have to be addressed another day.

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