t w e n t y - n i n e - The Sheriff and the right hand woman.

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Then in the doorway, stood two men being cascaded in light, clad in old T-Shirts and a flat cap. One small and one large, their guns visible - they were brave enough to say a word in the people's presence.

- Son of a bitch! - The smaller man said. - They're alive.

All the plans Rick had flew out the window when the two strangers turned up on their doorstep. His first thoughts were, "Guard", "Protect". Whether it be to keep up his own guard or protect those he was surrounded by. His daughter was there. She almost died a few weeks ago.

The two strangers eventually sat down near Hershel.

Glenn had ushered Alycia behind the bar, his arms leaning on it whilst she sat stiffly on the stool. Her eyes became icy at the sight of the strangers, and she had not said a word. Hershel stood still where he had been for the past couple hours, supported by his elbow.

The man bearing the Strafford shirt leaned back as the Sheriff poured his friends, and new-found "friends" a drink into a couple of shot glasses - All except for Alycia and Hershel.

- I'm Dave - He said offhandedly, he looked between the other man and Rick. Dave immediately knew who the leader was, and the right-hand woman and man, and the plan B. Dave was smart, unlike his counterpart. Dave pointed to him. - That scrawny looking douche-bag there is Tony.

- Eat me, Dave - Tony chuckled.

- Hey, maybe someday I will - Dave eyed the drink Rick had poured him, reaching out to take it.

The problem they had was that not only was Dave smart, but Alycia and Rick Grimes too. So as Dave eyed their group, Rick and Alycia watched their every move.

- We met on I-95 coming out of Philly. Damn shit-show that was.

Glenn, unlike everyone else, had a grin plastered on his face. He was practically ecstatic. The girl beside him hadn't blinked her eyes away from Dave. - I'm Glenn. It's nice to meet some new people.

Alycia stayed quiet, watching. In alert.

- Rick Grimes - The ex-Sheriff offered his name, only breaking eye contact briefly as he handed Glenn his drink. He was trying to push off the attention Alycia was getting from the man. He looked at Alycia as he was trying to signal something to her, which she got.

Rick handed Tony a glass as well, and not one to Hershel.

- How about you, pal? Have one? - Dave asked, looking between the plan B and the right, the two people not having drinks.

- I just quit - The old man answered, his voice still scratchy from what he had consumed, slurred and imprecise. Hershel's eyes seemed lazier as he squinted to see the men. His drunkenness could not be suppressed.

- You've got a unique sense of timing, my friend - Dave smiled, being genuinely humorous.

Rick spoke up for his friend.

- His name's Hershel. He lost people today, a lot of them - The experience of the situation in Rick's voice was almost painful.

Dave caught up on that, taking a moment of silence as he finally took his eyes off everyone.

- I'm truly sorry to hear that - Dave said.

He gulped, lifting up his glass.

- To better days and new friends. And to our dead, may they be in a better place - Dave said. They all lifted their glass in unison, Rick and Dave looking through the liquid and glass to Dave, who did the same. Alycia and Hershel stayed still.

Dave noticed how Alycia deciphered him, he calculated that she already knew what type of person he was. And Dave was correct.

- What about you? - He gestured towards her. - You got a name?

FALLING APART    daryl dixonWhere stories live. Discover now