
The light flicked in the low, dim room as the captive stared blankly at the dirty, white walls. He was slowly losing his mind as the days went by. He never thought he would be at the receiving end of the stick.

He was always the one behind the gun, assault or whatever the case may be, however this time that wasn't the situation. It was quite embarrassing to say the least. One would say, he lost his toughness. One thing he wasn't going to do was definitely try to put up a fight because it was pointless. They weren't going to let him go anyways.

On the other hand, he couldn't help but think about the young lady he left behind who was carry his two precious gift. What was she thinking? How was she doing? Did she think about him ever so often as much as he thought about her? Most importantly, did she give birth? Was she safe? Did she think the worst about him?All these thoughts haunted him.

He wanted to see his children, hold them, love them. He wanted to be there so he had to fight with everything in him even if it killed him in the process. At least he would die saying he gave it his best shot for his family.

The old, rusty iron door was pulled opened, pulling him away from his daunting thoughts.

The tall, curveous woman strutted in, showcasing her curvt body in the black jeans she wore and a black top that covered her double d breast. Her hair was pulled back into a sleek high ponytail. Her lips were smeared in a red lipstick making her brown eyes pop.

"Are you ready to talk?", She stated, kneeling in front of him. She took his handsome face in, loving his hazel-green eyes. His beard was growing out as well as his hair. He was due for a cut.

"There is nothing to talk about." He told her. He wasn't going to agree to her terms and conditions no matter what. He'd rather die.

"I must say, you really standing your ground. But I wonder if you'd change your mind once you hear the news I have to tell you."

"I doubt it's worth my time." Donovan replied in a monotone. Honestly, Anya keeping him captive was childish. He couldn't deal with her cunning ways. He will never like her. Ever. His heart belonged to someone else

"Oh it's definitely worth your time. I didn't know you were going to be a father. Congratulations are in order. I should send a little something. I must say, I'm impressed by how you keep your life so private." Anya flashed a cunning smile towards him.

Donovan gave nothing away as he stared at her. His family was his business and nobody else and the fact Anya knew about them was making him sick to his stomach.

He needed to get out.

"What are you talking about?"  He questioned, his eyes burning a hole in her face.

"I'm talking about this lovely lady who was kind enough to leave a rather interesting message." She slipped out the cell phone and pressed play. She held it out and made him listen.

Donovan, if you are with some bitch. I swear on my mama, I will come find you myself and cut your dick off. Don't fucking play with me. You left me and your children to be with someone else? You deadass left me, and for what? What was more important than me and our children. If so, that's low of you and you know it! Call me back when you get this!

Donovan intensively listened to the voice-mail being played by Anya. A grimace graced his face.

It was hurting him to hear her assume he had ran off to be with someone else. The hurt in her voice was evident. He wishes he could soothe it all away. Hearing her voice just made him want to fight harder. Fight for her. Fight for their children.

"Don't you dare lay a finger on them or I swear I will make your life a living hell!". He growled, wrestling against the chains tied around him. They loudly cranked but Anya wasn't shaken.

A laugh slipped out her mouth, as she watched him, "if I knew she was your weakness. I would've made this happen sooner. Now what do you say? Are you ready to hear my end of the deal?". She ordered, leaning close to his face. Her stiletto, red, pointy finger ran down his lips, invading his personal space.

"There is no deal I'm doing with you. You are out of your fucking mind." Donovan boldly spoke up jerking his head back

"Funny how you think you have a say or a way out in this. Because I can assure you right now, you don't." She smirked, standing back up and folding her arms on her chest.

"You are the one tied up here. Have been for a month. I can really do this for more months to come. As long as I get what I want. I'm not stopping until you agree and that's that." Anya spoke with so much conviction.

Anya was convinced, in order to have a stronger alliance she had to marry Donovan. In her own twisted mind, he was hers and nobody else's.

What better way to achieve that than kidnap the man himself and coerce him to joining forces. Together they could be powerful. Taking over the masses. That was her dream. That was her twisted version.

"We'll have to see about that."

"There is no way I'm letting you go without making you mine or putting up a fight. You are mine."


thoughtsssss? 🧍🏾‍♀️

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