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The morning came and the sun was rising up despite it being gloomy outside. It peeked through the blinds in the apartment, illuminating inside the large grey and white bedroom. With his limbs and burly, tattooed body stretched out on the queen sized bed, Donovan's eyes fluttered open. His chocolate toned, embedded with tattoos, chest was on display as Erin walked in with a tray filled with a hot meal and coffee.

"Good morning", Cheerily, pushing her way through the door and careful not to trip, she made her way towards Donovan who had a blank stare on his face.

Fuck! he thought as different thoughts ran through his head. He messed up and was beating himself up. He couldn't believe he was back despite saying he wouldn't. He needed a release and Erin happened to be the next best thing.

"Good morning". He grumbled back, scratching the side of his face in aggravation. The post nut clarity was beating him up bad. He should have never came over.

"I made you breakfast". Erin announced as she placed the tray on the night stand that was besides his side of the bed.

"I'm not hungry". He bluntly stated, throwing the covers off his body and the warm air coming into contact with his naked legs.

"How come? I know you need something to get your energy back up. We went all night last night". Erin smirked, eyes trailing at Donovan's print that was slightly poking out, like he was the prey she was waiting to catch. He was tall, burly, chocolate toned and fine. Just the way she liked her men.

She moved towards him, coming into his personal space, wrapping her arms around his neck, "Do not act like you didn't enjoy it". She purred in his ear.

Her eyes lowered to his lips and she trailed her pointy finger down his chest while biting her bottom lip. Donovan's brows were furrowed in annoyance. Erin leaned up on her tippy toes and gently pressed her lips against his own making him quickly jerk back his head.

He removed her arms from around his neck and scoffed, "This is the last time we doing this". He sternly stated, pushing past her and grabbing his clothes that were scattered, off the floor.

Erin turned around and looked at him as he put his clothes back on. She admired his broad shoulders and the several tattoos located on different parts of his back.

"You said that the last time and you were back right here last night". She stated, folding her arms on her chest making her breast peak up.

"Clearly you lying about this being over. You actually feel something for me but just don't want to admit it. That's okay, however, I won't force you to like me back but eventually you will realize your true feelings for me and you will be back. I just know it". Erin spilled causing Donovan to ignore her and continue putting his clothes on.

When he was done, he turned to look at her. Erin was a beautiful woman but just not his type. She had bad mannerism, ones he didn't like in a woman— his preference.

"I won't be back and I mean it this time. If you really think I had feelings for you, wouldn't I have confessed or at least taken you out on a date? I'm a man and I know what and who I want. I have someone else I am trying to work things out with. Unfortunately that is not you, Erin. You are way too easy for me to consider you being girlfriend material, especially mine". Donovan stated hurting her feelings in the process. Her little broken heart pounded against her chest as he uttered those hurtful words to her

Tears pooled in her eyes but she wouldn't let them fall, "Fuck you Donovan! You ain't shit!". She yelled.

"I knew that and you should've known that too". He shrugged, not caring about her little outburst.

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