part 6 - the first date

Start from the beginning

"By going away?" She chuckled at my comment. "By hooking you and Nathan up tonight. What's your idea of a perfect date? I didn't even have to think about this one. "Watching you get hit by a bus". "And that sense of humour, Nathan is very lucky to have you. He'll be here at seven. Have fun." She smiled at me and walked out. Haley walked over and I explained everything to her.

Haley was finishing up and I was going to go home when Nathan knocked on the door. "What are you doing here?" I said not in the mood to be humiliated again. "Didn't Brooke tell you I was going to come?". "So whatever you guys are up to, I'm just not in the mood." I put my jacket on and fixed my hair. "I'm not up to anything. Look, I apologised and I told you the truth. The rest is Brooke. She set up this whole date thing for us. One card leads to the next." he smiled and looked at the card. my curiosity started kicking in. "Well, what does the first one say?". "Convince Lola to go. How am I going so far?" he smirked and looked up at me.

"That depends on what the second card says." he started opening the envelope for the second card. "Go to River 1423 street and find your next envelope. On the way,tell three things you like about each other. "I'll go first. Your the most patient person I know. You still tutor me even though it got thrown on you suddenly and u had no experience, and you don't treat me like I'm a moron. I really appreciate it. I know I have no right to ask, but we never do anything just fun together. And plus, this is Brooke. You can bet it's not going to be boring."

I was down for it since all I would do at home is skincare and then go to bed. "okay. but if I feel like I want to bail, do I have your permission?". "absolutely, trust me". "And number three?" I said fiddling with the envelope. "Your loyalty. To Lucas. I know I'm not always wild about how it plays out, but it's cool."

It was now my turn. "Ok,three things I like about you". "My good looks." We both laughed at his comment. "I like that you let me in,past all that bluster you give everyone else. I like your smile when you get things right. And you're not horrible to look at.This is where we're going?" Nathan bursts out laughing. "Nice work Brooke".

"I'm going to kill Brooke when I get home" he chuckles.he found the next envelope. I walked over to him and let him read it. "Congratulations, now buy each other a gift and exchange it on your way to. There's another address here". "This is so wrong." It would have been so much easier if she had just put the names of the places but then I get why she didn't.

"You want to quit?" he said looking at me. "I didn't say that. Let's shop." We bought each other a gift and heading outside. "Did you see what that saleswomen was wearing" he said laughing whilst telling me. "Or not wearing. Here. You go first." I said passing him his gift. "Socks?". " I was playing it safe". "What did you get me?" I said curious as always. "Open it and See for yourself" he passed me my gift and I started opening it.

"Oh my gosh. That is so pretty. Thanks." I said smiling at what he got me. "Ok. If we go to the next place, and we hate it, we can just get some pizza , all right?". "All right" I said giggling at him. "To be honest, I'm a little afraid." He said making us both laugh. I opened the next envelope and read it out. "Order your favourite dish for the other person.".

"Any chance your favourite dish is prime rib?" I remember before our parent got divorced my dad used to make it every now and then. "Yeah,my dad used to make it every now and then for me and Brooke. But he always over burnt it, so me ,my mum and Brooke had to act like it tasted perfect." We both started chuckling to ourselves.

"I'm not very experienced with this so,uh.." he said looking down at his menu. "With what,ordering food?". "No, I mean ,with Peyton, it was all parties and games and drama. We never really did anything like this. This is different". "Different..good? Different weird?" I looked over at the tables around us then looked back at him. "No,good." I smiled at him, happy he enjoyed this. "I'm really glad you decided to come.

"Couldn't you be into lobster?". "no way, macaroni cheese is food for the gods" I said making him laugh. "Yeah if the gods are five years old kids. Ready to reveal the next envelope?" I nodded and watched him open it. "Reveal a secret no one knows about you". "I stole some clothes from Brooke's wardrobe last week." That wasn't a big secret bcz Brooke was wearing my clothes the other day but I couldn't think of one at the moment. "Come on, that's not a good secret". "When I was away with my dad, me and my friend set a school classroom on fire. It was accidental but it was funny."

I remember my old friend, she was always there for me and when I left, it was awful for both of us. "Lola Davis setting fires?". "Yeah but my mum and dad never found out bcz the school didn't call them since they were away in some fancy business cruise for my dad." I said looking down at my food. "So you got caught?" He said, seeming interested in the situation. "No, I mean, Yes. Well it was a cover teacher that caught us and they didn't know our names. But my principal knew it was my friend and suspected it was me too".

"What's up Nathan". It was a few of his friends stood at the side of our table. "Hey guys. What's up." I just sat there awkwardly. "Is this a date?". " not definitely not a date." the boys nodded and walked away. "Sorry about that". "Are you embarrassed of em or something bcz ur only nice when no one is around us". I stood up and walked home.

limitless love ~ nathan scott Where stories live. Discover now