Chapter 1

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My heart tried to pound its way out of my chest as I followed my pack of terrified females. We raced through the woods, running desperately toward our only hope for escape. The howls and barks were gaining on us. If we couldn't make it to the tunnel we'd all be captured. Looking over my shoulder, I tried to catch a glimpse of our pursuers, but we were just out of sight. That was only a vague relief.

I'd worked too hard for a year and a half to keep them safe only to lose them now. All the omegas living with me and my beta best friend were here because they had either been abused or didn't want to be a part of a pack of alphas. Life for omegas was perilous, to say the least. At least it had proven to be with the seaside wolves we'd been born to. And no other males of our species had managed to gain my trust enough to make me think I'd judged them wrong. I couldn't fail my pack now.

These woods had been our home for months and we'd managed to avoid the pack of mountain wolves who'd marked it as their own. We'd stayed too long. But game had been plentiful and I'd started to relax in the little space we'd carved out for ourselves. No one telling me what to do. That females couldn't have a pack. I wanted to rest and hide away from the world. We were paying for that complacency now. I snarled in frustration at the reminder that I'd screwed up.

The Venat Pack had a brutal reputation and I'd known, in the back of my mind, that if we were found I'd be killed and all the omegas would be split up and enslaved amongst the alphas living in the pack. Emma was a beta, so she'd end up as a servant and might be able to one day choose beta mates to marry. She'd been my best friend from the moment we were old enough to walk and I was comforted—though only the tiniest bit—that she'd be spared. The rest of us would have no choice as to our fates. Me especially. I should have moved us on after we'd had the chance to catch our breaths. My arrogance and the overwhelming desire to slow down had been our downfall.

A yip spilled from my muzzle as I directed Emma. She was leading my pack of females and made an immediate left at my order. All nine omega wolves followed her, with me at the rear so I could confront the threats that were bearing down on us. My eyes were on Clover, making sure she didn't fall behind. She was the youngest of us and as a teen omega her wolf was tiny. Her small legs nearly blurred as she fought to keep up with the pack. She had the heart of a lion and didn't complain once about the speed. She just ducked her shaggy head down and ran as hard as she could.

Love nearly overwhelmed the worry and fear. I'd grown to care for each of these women. They deserved everything kind and decent. All I could offer was freedom. It had to be enough even if it came with a life on the run.

I'd never meant to start collecting females who needed help. It just sort of happened and now I had my own little pack of omegas who looked to me to guide them. I'd never asked for this responsibility. Life as a female alpha wasn't easy. Short would be the only real descriptor. There had only been a few of us throughout history and none had lived long.

The fact that Emma stayed with me was dangerous enough for her, but then one day an omega appeared, needing help, and we hadn't been able to turn her away. She'd been out in the pouring rain, being beaten by the pack of seaside alphas that were supposed to love and adore her. Her pleading eyes had met mine through the storm and I'd answered the call. From that point on, we took in any who sought us out. I feared my ability to protect them might be coming to an end.

A brown blur slammed into me from the side. I hadn't even seen the alpha coming. His speed was damn impressive. Picking myself up, I spun, showing teeth as I blocked the path between him and my pack. Letting out a bark, I ordered Emma and the others to continue on.

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