"Likely in Alaska, letting yourself succumb to the poison in your body." Kaldur smiled sadly, speaking the truth, no matter how harsh.

"That's lovely to hear." Percy mumbled, tightening the grip on Kaldur's hands for a few seconds and taking a few deep breaths, "but you're right."

Kaldur let out a small breath when Percy loosened his grip again. It hadn't even been close to hurting, but he was worried Percy would unintentionally hurt him in his own hurt. That would not help the situation. "Let's go to the beach. Pick up trash or something, maybe go on a swim."

A grin, an obvious sign that he had successfully distracted the demigod, and paid for their drinks before leading them towards the ocean. "We should spar later. I have a lot of energy, but I haven't been training so you might stand a chance."

"Such little faith, I haven't missed a day of training."

Percy only shrugged playfully, "we'll see soon." And then playfully shoved Kaldur with his shoulder.

When Percy finally returned to the manor, it was much longer than an hour. In fact, it was four. So he wasn't too surprised to find Damien making his way down the driveway after Percy had rung the gate bell.

"Where have you been?" Damien asked, a bit snappy but dripping in worry. "Gotham isn't a safe place, I was worried. Did you not get my texts?"

"I forgot my phone." Which was true, and Percy only realized it after he began stripping any valuables from his pockets before stripping down to his boxers to swim with Kaldur.

Damien sighed, "where did you go?"

"A jog." Percy tried, but Damien looked him up and down before beginning to tap his toe with his arms crossed. "I just needed to get out of the house. I lost track of time when I was thinking."

Damien sighed, "I understand. But you need to keep your phone on you at least when you go out into Gotham. It isn't safe." It was a struggle for Damien to hide the hurt that his soulmate couldn't rely on him when his thoughts got to be too much, but he knew the relationship was still fresh and there wasn't a lot of trust built yet.

Percy nodded before a soft smile took over his face, "Gotham is beautiful."

Damien returned the smile, "it is, now let's head inside and you can tell me about all the things you saw." Damien took Percy's hand in his own and led him towards the manor for the second time that day.

"... and the beach was beautiful. I took the bag from one of the trashcans to pick up some of the litter and it made the place so much brighter!" Percy was content as he cuddled into Damien's side. They were in Percy's room and he hadn't stopped talking since they stopped moving.

"I'm glad you had fun," Damien carded his fingers through Percy's hair, but I wish you weren't alone.

A knock on the door startled the pair, and Percy shot up to answer it. Dick stood on the other side, "I just wanted to wish you guys goodnight. I'll be in my room if you need me."

Percy almost let him leave before he reached a hand out, "if you want to join us, you can. We're just talking, and Damien is calming himself down from my disappearing act earlier."

"Disappearing act?" Dick asked, anxiety quick to show.

"I went on a walk, forgot my phone, and lost track of time. I stayed out three hours longer than I promised to." Percy shrugged, "other than an occasional police siren, there wasn't much action." Which was a lie, Kaldur had punched at least three people who had tried to pick pocket them, and Percy had knocked out two that had tried to kidnap one of them. Not to mention the Joker had been casually walking away from a flaming building.

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