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Damien couldn't help but stare at his phone, praying to someone, anyone really, that Percy would reach out. He almost regretted not getting the number himself to be the one that reaches out first. But he knew better than to push anymore than he already had. So when his phone dinged, he scrambled to grab it thinking his prayers may have been answered.

Unknown: for now can we just text?

Of course.

Damien smiled, beginning to text back and forth with the boy plaguing his thoughts to the point that he couldn't even focus on much more than what Perseus Jackson's ideal first date would be, or even his favorite snack. Perhaps his most desired question to have answered would be his favorite movie.

So the texting began, ending late into the night when Damien could no longer fight back the sleep he had evaded for nearly two days now. And he was sure Percy would be up for awhile longer.

Damien was ecstatic when he woke up, finding a text with only a time on it and the name of the coffee shop he had been frequenting in order to meet Percy. He was so beyond pleased that he had managed to meet again so soon. So soon was of course almost three days later, but it was still exciting to be able to see his soulmate again in person. To hear his voice again. Damien had wanted to call numerous times, but after being shot down the first time he didn't push.

So he readied himself and dressed casual but plenty attractive. He would take any opportunity to impress his soulmate. Without much more thought, he gathered his things and made his way to the coffee shop. He was happy when he saw Percy standing just outside of the small shop, and almost called out to him if it wasn't for the taller, dark haired boy that suddenly stepped up to Percy, throwing an impeccable punch straight into the boys jaw, and then wrapping him into a hug.

Every nerve in his body was urging him to protect, and help, and get him away. But he stayed rooted in his spot, watching the way that his soulmate wrapped his arms around the taller man and seemed to be sobbing as the taller guy seemed to be lecturing him. Damien could read lips, and he could see the way his soulmate was only repeating the words 'I'm sorry' over and over again.

He leaned up against a building and just watched, seeing the way they separated from each others arms but still stood close, the way the taller male wiped his tears and gave a gentle smile, the way that Percy smiled with so much relief that Damien only wanted to punch the guy as hard as possible. Maybe he could convince Connor to do it for him.

He watched Percy give his phone to the taller male, allowing him to put his number in, watched the way Percy wrapped him in a hug once more before the taller man walked off. Hopefully he wouldn't be returning. Finally Damien made his entrance after a few more moments of waiting so he wouldn't seem like he saw anything. Though he would have the right to ask questions about the quickly forming bruise on Percy's cheek and fresh tear trails.

"Percy!" He called, mustering up as much joy as he could find after seeing his soulmate hugging another man.

"Damien," Percy smiled shyly, and Damien was once again hit with a possessive feeling because he smiled much brighter with that other guy.

"What happened to your face?" Damien plastered on the concern he wanted to show at the very beginning.

Percy shrugged a bit and Damien almost lost his cool because he thought that would be the only response. "I ran into my cousin just a few minutes ago, he wasn't happy with me because I've been radio silent for almost a year now."

Damien felt every drop of white hot anger freeze over, and a much more genuine, still concerned, smile graced his face. "Let's ice that after we get our coffee."

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