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Kaldur'ahm was not expecting for Perseus Jackson to have his phone number. The demigod hadn't been to Atlantis in nearly a year and they'd only spoken in passing with one another since. But Perseus had a way of surprising him time and time again, and now he was waiting patiently in a small coffee shop in Gotham that had goosebumps flittering over his skin.

When Perseus finally entered the shop, Kaldur was relieved, standing to pull the chair out for the crown prince of the seas.

"My lord, it is a great pleasure to see you." Kaldur spoke professionally, which lasted all of two minutes by the disheveled look on the young prince's face.

"I have a problem." Percy cut off any potential questioning from the Atlantean before him and delved right into his problems. "My soulmates are the Wayne boys and they don't know I am who I am, much less that I'm scheduled to die in the next couple years if Apollo can't figure out the cure to this poison in me."

Kaldur stared in shock for a moment, knowing full well that the Wayne boys were the Bats of Gotham. "Perhaps you should get out of the area and stay on Olympus until your treatment is completed."

"And leave them wondering? I didn't think I would actually meet them at any point in my life, and now that I have, there are these feelings that are building but I can't trust them with this secret until I'm much closer and I've only met two of them—"

"Percy! Breathe. Apollo would be able to let you know how close the cure is to being completed so call him, and I can stay in the area until everything is sorted out. Hopefully none of the Bats will catch wind of me being here, considering I work closely with Nightwing."

Percy nodded, "I'll call Apollo on my way back to the Wayne manor. Which, by the way, is where my soulmates' father lives. And I'm almost certain Damien was jealous of Nico of all people. I mean, Nico does have the same vibe as Damien, but he's my cousin for Zeus' sake! Not to mention I probably look like an abuser because we walked through the door with Damien sporting a fresh and nasty bruise and a bloody nose." A groan, "what is my life?"

"An adventurous one?" Kaldur helpfully inputted, getting a half assed glare from the demigod across the table.

"I can't bear the idea of laying a hand on my fated partner, wanted or not, in a violent way. I've done it twice now and I can only think of Gabe."

"You aren't him." Kaldur grabbed Percy's hands from across the table, "that man could never feel a speck of remorse like you do. You're not him."

Percy nodded, "but maybe this is how Gabe started out. Maybe it was a couple of accidents that led him into his abusing life. Maybe I am just like him."

"Percy, look at me. Look me in my eyes and tell me I'm lying when I say you're nothing like him. I spent every waking moment of your trips to Atlantis with you and I can say, without a doubt, that you'll never be like him."

Percy finally let the tears that had wanted to break free, drip down his face and begin a small puddle on the table below his chin. "I appreciate you so much, Kaldur. You're the best person I have in my life."

"Don't let your soulmates hear that."

Percy chuckled at the thought, "as if they could replace you. You're number one on my best friends list. They can tie for first on the lovers list."

Kaldur rolled his eyes, "how are the books coming?"

"Really well. I can feel all the stress from the war slowly releasing. And it helps that I can write the others in the way they deserve."

Kaldur let out a smile, "that's great to hear. I know you struggled a lot before Apollo gave you the idea."

"Honestly, you and him have been so helpful to me. I don't know where I would be if I didn't have you guys."

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