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He hadn't even consulted the Gods yet, and he was stupid enough to engage. It was honestly pitiful, Percy thought, the way he couldn't help but gravitate towards the person unlucky enough to have his name scrawled on their wrist. Even more so that he was lame enough to open with asking if the clearly empty seat was taken.

But it worked, because, he was now settled across from the only slightly younger than him, supposedly Damien Wayne. He'd never bothered to look up the names of his soulmates, but he was certain the name Wayne was rather prominent.

There was an awkward silence about their table, one that neither knew how to break. Percy eventually found the courage to take the initiative, striking up conversation. "So, lovely weather?" Stupid.

Though the boy across from him just gave a gentle smile, "it is, isn't it?"

And Percy almost died at the way his voice sent goosebumps racing over his skin, before his wrist tingled with content. "H-How are you today?" Stuttering. What the Hades is wrong with him?

"I'm great, wonderful even. Is it too much to ask the name of the person sitting with me?" And Percy wanted to kick himself. This Damien likely wasn't sure if Percy was his soulmate or not.

"Percy Jackson." Percy gulped, praying to any God kind enough to listen, that he wouldn't go spouting his full name.

"As in, Perseus Jackson?" And Percy looked down, a bit pale and sweaty, before nodding. "My name is Damien Wayne, and if you'll allow it, we should get to know each other more properly."

Percy slightly shriveled, feeling the tremors that wanted to wrack his body because oh Gods he hasn't been called Perseus since the war and he thinks he might throw up. "Please, call me Percy," desperate, whiny, but he couldn't be bothered enough to care how he sounded because he was far too close to tears at the name and far too unsteady to make it home if he did end up in tears.

He didn't notice the concern etched onto the other boys face, only hearing the agreement, "okay, Percy." And he'd never sagged so much in relief before in his life.

Damien fought tooth and nail to keep himself from reaching across the table to help his suffering soulmate. He didn't know exactly why his name had such an effect, or why he seemed ready to sprint at a moments notice, but he knew it would be crossing a line to break any form of touch barrier in the first meeting. "Are you alright?" Is what he settled with, heart aching at the visibly difficult breaths his soulmate was taking in his effort to calm down.

Perseus — Percy, struggled with his words for a moment, "y-yeah, I just have bad experiences with people calling me that."

Damien chose to leave it at a nod, knowing for a fact he couldn't even attempt a relationship if he led their first meeting with an interrogation. "What language is that?" Damien instead changed the subject, which earned him a small, albeit shaky and forced, smile.

"Greek. Everyone in my family learns it, have for hundreds of years." Percy left it at that.

"My family taught me as well, but we only read it. There's no possible way to learn to speak it in any form of authenticity due to the nature of the language."

Percy nodded, "yeah, all I can really do is read it, but I try to print as much of my work as possible in the language so I don't lose that part of myself. I prefer it to English."

Damien smiled gently, still sensing slight nerves and anxious energy about the sudden meeting, "is it possible for me to get your number? You seem a bit stressed as of right now and you should really go home and rest." Damien paused, wincing at the way Percy seemed almost dejected, "I don't want you to be panicked and overwhelmed, I would much rather you feel calm than scared. I have a feeling you still aren't sure if you want to be sitting here."

As much as it hurt, Damien gave a reassuring smile when Percy presented a rather guilty look, "I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize for being uncomfortable. I should be apologizing for making you feel such a way." Damien placed his hand in the center of the table, "how about I put my number into your phone so you can contact me once you feel comfortable enough to."

It felt weird to Damien, that he was being so kind and comforting, things he was trained by the league were weakness. But with the shy man before him, the obviously suffering man before him, the man that was his soulmate, he couldn't help but reassure and comfort. He typed his first and last name into the phone, knowing full well that if any one of his brothers was in his position they would be adding some form of nickname or emoticon. Instead, just his name.

"I'll leave you be then, I hope you'll reach out soon, but please, know that I just want to get to know you." Damien smiled, resting a slow hand on Percy's shoulder before making his way out of the coffee shop.

Percy didn't move for nearly an hour after the interaction reached its close. His coffee melted and his unedited copy of the third book of his series lay forgotten on the table as he zoned the chatter of the people surrounding him out. Without any more thinking, he stood, making his way to his apartment and summoning Apollo to his living room.

"... I'm scared, 'Pollo. He's so kind and so considerate and he doesn't deserve to be held back by a battle traumatized demigod who's likely to die in the coming years." Which was true. He spent so much time hidden away in his apartment because Hecate had placed wards around it so he could relax. It's the only reason he had made it so long after the war. His will to continue was small, but he was trying to get better.

"Maybe, and just maybe, you should think about what you deserve," Apollo put a hand up to cut off the ready to argue demigod, "you suffered through so much and lost so many. You deserve someone who can support you. And no, that does not include myself or any other platonic relationship. You deserve to be loved, and cared for. Each and every one of the names on your wrists are chances to try. Chances to be loved, and appreciated. All you have to do is let them in. And when you're ready, you can let them be there for you with everything. Even the fullest details of what you've been through."

Percy didn't stop the tears that gathered in his eyes. Apollo had seen him cry more times than he'd like to admit and at this point it wasn't embarrassing anymore. Instead he squatted from where he had previously been standing, balancing his weight on his feet as he wrapped his arms around his legs and sobbed. "I'm just so broken! How could they want someone like me?"

"If they couldn't handle you, your name wouldn't be on their wrists." And Percy couldn't help but agree with the logic. "Give Damien a chance. He might surprise you." And Percy latched himself onto the God of the Sun and sobbed into his neck.

"I cant lose anyone else."

"You'll come to learn that they aren't the type to die very easily." The ever Prophetic Apollo rubbed soothing circles into Percy's back, allowing him to release the frustrations and heartache that seemed to follow him no matter what. "Just try, Perce, you won't regret it."

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