The Idiot's Lantern ~part two~

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Orion gets a sight over the Doctor's shoulder as they sit on the motor. Orion still leaning onto him with her chest and head, her chin on his neck. "This way is a dead end, remember?" She says softly to not make him jump. "I remember," He replies, distracted by something, presumably the vehicle chase.

When they get near the 'dead end' turn, the tail ends at Operation Market Stall still finishing up. Orion raises up, fixing her posture as she looks interested at the vegetable barrow. "Huh." She says, a smirk forming on her face.

"Oh, very good. Very good." The Doctor parks the motor and leaves his hard helmet on the vehicle. Orion follows his lead. The two walk toward a small door on the big gates, the Doctor opens the lock with his sonic screwdriver and then goes through the gate. Orion fits through secondly.

The Doctor holds back Orion from walking further with his arm, blocking her path. He watched two burly men padlock a wire door and walk off "What is it?" Orion queries quietly.

He starts walking back again and Orion follows quietly. The Doctor breaks off the padlock with his sonic screwdriver, The wire door leading to an area with large cages.

"This is where they keep the victims. Hide them from their families and the public." The Doctor points out, looking around the room. A door opens, Orion notices and tugs at the Doctor's sleeve. "Doctor." She says, walking toward the now open cage. It is full of people with blank faces, who occasionally clench their fists. The Doctor walks in and hold up a torch he had taken a bit back. The blank people turn to the light the torch emits.

A pair of searchlights turn, catching the Doctor and Orion in the spotlight. "Stay where you are."

"Delightful." Orion sighs, wincing away from the light, her head starting to spin once again.


Detective inspector Bishop stands over the table, arms spread out and hips bent. He looks like he would jump over the table any second now.

"Start from the beginning. Tell me everything you know." He demands to the Doctor.

"Well, for starters, I know you can't wrap your hand around your elbow and make your fingers meet." The Doctor says smartly, sarcasm dripping in his voice. Orion looks serious, nodding as if this was serious government business.

"Don't get clever with me. You were at the Florizel street, and now breaking unto this establishment. Now you're connected with this. Make no mistake."

"I think I might have a concussion." Orion mumbles out basically. "What?" Bishop turns his head to her with a mad face, "Yeah," She nods.

"And this chair, hmm, comfortable. I'm just saying, if I fall asleep, wake me every 4 hours, yeah?"

The Doctor chuckles quietly and looks inside the collar of Bishop's shirt as he turns his head to Orion. "Hold your tongue. I am not in the mood for this kind of behaviour." Bishop demands.

"Well, the thing is, Detective Inspector Bishop." The Doctor starts, Bishop shoots his head back in confusion. "How do you know my name?" He says in an angry tone.

"Written inside your collar. Bless your mum. But I can't help thinking, Detective Inspector, you're not exactly doing much detective inspecting, are you?"

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