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And that's a wrap! Needless to say, I cried my eyes out several times while writing, proofreading and translating the epilogue. I'm such a lost cause.

Now it's done. EXIT is fully uploaded and I can't believe it. In June 2022, I was walking to work on a rainy summer morning and had a vision of Draco surrendering in front of a pitch-black guard tent in similar weather. Shortly thereafter I wrote the first sentences and this story has accompanied me ever since. I spent hours and hours writing, proofreading, editing and translating every (!) week for over a year, but it was worth it.

Your feedback in the form of comments, likes and bookmarks is incredible. I never thought people would like EXIT, but it makes me so happy. I want to say THANK YOU a thousand times. You are wonderful.

If you haven't already, please subscribe to REBEL so you don't miss the updates. The first chapter is coming soon, but the prologue is already online.

The only thing left for me to say is: It was such a party! I hope we read each other again sometime.

Hugs, hugs, hugs! ♡

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