Emergency Chapter 17

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"Kiara, lift your leg a little higher." The dance coach said Kiara lifted her leg higher and the coach nodded her head. She looked at Leah and went on helping her with her issue of not being able to lift her leg higher. Kiara smiled at me from the mirror and I smiled back. I dropped my leg down and took a break by drinking water and at the same time, the coach told everyone to take a five-minute break. Kiara sat next to me, "I need to work on my form." She said snatching my bottle and taking a big sip from it.

"Why? You're doing great, you just need to lift your legs a little higher." I tried to encourage her, and although Kiara always wanted to do rebellious things she would never do anything wrong when it comes to dance. She wants to be perfect. Father thinks it's a rare quality but I just think he is pressurizing her by making her dance more and more. She needs rest too. Kiara thinks she can be a dancer and Father doesn't want to break her bubble, he'll just let her do whatever she wants. He will help her with everything regarding dance but later when the time comes he'll tell her to get married to a made man and she'll be heartbroken.

"I need to win the competition, di." I love it when she calls me di, every time she calls me elder sister in Hindi I can't help but smile and so I do. 

"Okay, but just don't exhaust yourself."  She smiles and hugs me.

I woke up from my nap, feeling disoriented for a moment before realizing I was in Daniel's apartment. The movie credits were rolling, and Daniel was asleep with his head resting on the top of the couch. I could see his damp hair and his hands on my hair, and it felt oddly comforting. Kiara. I had a flashback about Kiara. We were in dance class. No. No. No. It felt so real like I was there.

Looking around, I quickly checked my phone and saw a barrage of missed calls and a message from Zoya, urgently asking me to come home. Leo was there. It was already 7:30 in the evening and I was supposed to be home after lunch.

I glanced up to find Daniel already looking at me. I smiled nervously, feeling a little guilty for not going home on time. I got up from his lap, adjusting my dress. "Emergency at home, I have to go." I got up from the couch and looked around for my purse. Daniel rose and looked at me, he just kept looking at me and it was odd. Daniel closed the distance between us and surprised me by kissing my forehead. It was such a rare display of affection from him, and I was taken aback. His touch felt warm, and for a moment, I closed my eyes, relishing the feeling. He cupped my face and looked at me with the same intensity in his eyes as it was in my room a couple of days ago.

But then, he looked at my lips, and I knew what was coming next. I could feel the tension in the air, "Please?" He asked for permission, his lips were hovering over mine. I hesitated for a few seconds and then gently backed away, breaking free from his hold.

I fumbled around for my purse, feeling flustered and confused." I need to go home, there is an emergency." I mumbled about the emergency, not wanting to get into the awkwardness of the situation. I quickly fixed my hair into a ponytail, trying to gather my thoughts. God! Where is my purse? Yes! found it."

Daniel weakly smiled at me, and I mirrored the expression, trying to maintain some sense of normalcy. I hugged him, but he didn't hug me back, and I could feel the distance between us.

As I looked into his eyes, I knew what I had to say. "I am getting married in a month, Dan. We can't," I whispered softly. "It'll only hurt us both."

Daniel nodded, trying to hide his emotions. I could see the heartbreak in his eyes, and it tore me apart. But I knew I had made my decision. I had to marry Leo, no matter how difficult it was. I know how I feel about Daniel and although he is a lovely guy I can't be with him like that.

I headed for the door, and Milan was standing outside, attending a call. It was probably my father.

"Yes sir, we are on our way." Milan cut the call and put her phone in her pocket she half bent at me in a way which meant Hello Ma'am. I nodded my head at her. Before closing the door I looked back to see Daniel but he wasn't looking at me. His eyes were closed and he was sitting on the couch with his head resting on the top of the couch like before. I closed the door behind me.

"Is everything alright, Ma'am?" Milan looked at my appearance, I nodded my head.

"Yeah, I just woke up." I knew Milan was probably judging the situation, but I couldn't explain everything to her. I had too much on my plate already. I know she thinks I am sleeping with Daniel but I don't have the energy to tell her we aren't.

As I walked away, my heart felt heavy, torn between vengeance and friendship. But I couldn't let myself get tangled up in emotions. I had to face the challenges ahead, including dealing with Leo and whatever awaited me at home.


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