Next Morning/Heading to Gringotts (edited)

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A/N: edited 8/8/2023, I edited out some noticeable grammar errors and reworded some sentences.


"Prat" -talking

'Dumbfuck' -thinking

"Enough" -familiars speaking/beast speak/gobbledygook

'Interesting' -familiars/magical creature/goblin thinking

*Smokes* -action

§open§ -Parseltongue

"Hello" - speaking a different language

Hello -writing/messages/news

'Vision'- memories/visions being seen

Chapter 2: Next Morning/Heading to Gringotts


¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤Start Chapter¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤

Harry Pov:

Riiiiiing...Riiiiiiing...Riiiiiing...Riii...Smack.  I slam my hand down on the alarm clock. I sit up in bed rubbing my eyes. After rubbing the sleep out of my eyes I look around the room that I have slept in for the last two years since getting my first Hogwarts letter. Though it was my room it didn't really feel like it. The room was still piled with all the old gifts Dudley had broken, didn't want, or gotten bored with. The bed was old and covered in blood stains, the desk was beaten up and broken, and then there was the wardrobe closet which was old with chip paint and chipped wood. The room is not the biggest room in the Dursley's home but it was the same size as Dudley's first bedroom the only reason it seems smaller than it was is because of all of the gifts that were tossed in here. I still don't get why the Dursleys hoard the toys and stuff that Dudley either broke, got bored with, or didn't want. They could have thrown the stuff out and donated the stuff he didn't want but then again most of the stuff was broken and the Dursleys make it their life mission to seem normal. They are even obsessed with being seen as normal which makes them anything but. I look to see Hedwig awake now looking at me. I smile standing up and walking to her cage I reach in and stroke her feathers.

Harry-*strokes her feathers*"Hey girl sorry for waking you up.*she huffs and chirps I let out a chuckle* I'm sorry girl I will ask Dobby to bring you some bacon to eat to make it up to you. You know Hedwig I probably won't be back until late tomorrow as I have lots to do. I thought over my life up until now and I realize I need to make a change. *Hedwig chirps at me causing me to smile* I don't get why but I feel you're telling me that change doesn't happen overnight *Hedwig glares as if saying no really which makes me chuckle as I continue to pet her* I know a girl I know change won't happen right away but I know in time I will be able to fully heal from all my issues not just fake it. It will take time but I know I can someday change to someone my mom ad Dad can be proud of.  I have an hour before Dobby shows so I will go downstairs and make us some breakfast."

I got a chirp from Hedwig and retracted my hand from her cage I went to the wardrobe to grab some of my hamidowns which will be the last time I wear them as I plan to go to Gringotts and get a lot of money to go shopping in both wizarding and muggle world. I change out of my PJs and then head downstairs to the kitchen. When I make it to the kitchen I look through to see all the food I have left yesterday I had eaten a lot all that was left was a loaf of bread, eggs, and some bacon. I smile I will have to go grocery shopping sooner than expected I don't know why I had eaten so much last night though now that I think about it Ron would eat more than I did but still it was a lot for me. I was just glad that I came up with the idea to cook more than the Dursleys could eat. Had I not Vernon and Dudley would have only left me a third of a loaf of bread to last me two weeks. I made big portions of meals for the last three days which were always had only been half eaten.  The leftovers would not even had satisfy Dudley or Vernon alone. I had filled my plate seven times because 4 times with a sandwich, one time with some leftover meatloaf, one time with spaghetti, and the last plate had been filled with the last 4 pieces of fried chicken. I am in the kitchen cooking up the rest of the bread eggs and bacon. When I finished cooking I turn off everything. I plate the food and then head up to my room again. when I arrive I walk over to Hedwig and give her a few pieces of bacon and break apart two pieces of toast for her. 

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