15 |An exception|

Start from the beginning

"Luv, can you make homemade cookies too? I love yours." Hobie asks.

"Am I just a bakery now?" I laugh.

"Yes, now let's bake!" Samara says.

"Alright we're making cookies first, and since I'm the one baking, y'all getting the ingredients, flour, eggs, brown sugar, sugar, chocolate chips, vanilla extract, two sticks of butter." I say as they start grabbing things.

Hobie got the bowls for mixing, mara got the eggs, breaking one in the process, Laura got the sugar and butter and pretty boy got the flour and extract. (Probably missing something,but ykw. Oh well.)

"Alright, sit back and let me work people." I tell them.

They all sit back and watch me do my thing, I was in the zone, measuring, pouring, mixing when finally we got the dough and I put the chocolate chips in the microwave, just for a second, didn't melt them completely just softened them. Then I mixed everything in.

"Ta-da. Cookie dough." I say.

"Luv, you have flour on your face." Hobie chuckles and pulls me towards him, wiping off my face.

"Y/n I got flour on my face too, wipe it off me." Samara mocks.

Then Nick throws a dish rag at her face.

"Wipe it bitch." He laughs.

"Die." She laughs.

"I hate happy people." Laura frowns.

"Because you're miserable." Nick says.

"Fuck you." Laura says.

"Hobie! Stop trying to eat the dough." I yell at him.

"You can't make me do anything." He says with a mouth full of cookie dough.

"Ooo! I want some!" Samara says taking some as well.

"Keep eating the dough and no more brownies." I say.

"Samara is like a child." Nick Laughs.

We finally got the cookies in the oven and I made the brownies, with a lot of distractions but at least I got it done, they need to pay me or something.

"I'm in love with these brownies." Nick says.

"I need milk." Samara says.

We were all chilling in the living room, watching Mulan, Nick was on the floor, mara was laying on Laura and I was sitting on Hobie, laying sideways. We were just eating and singing.

"How could I! Make a man... Out of you.." I sing.

"Bro he's so fine." Nick says.

"You.. I can't even say anything, he is hot." Laura sighs.

"Luv, cookie." Hobie says and I raise my cookie up and he takes a bite.

"Dishonor on you! Dishonor on ya cow! Dishonor upon ya whole family!" Samara mimics.

"Best brownies ever." Laura says with a mouth full.

"You're the best luv." Hobie tells me.

"I should have made y'all pay." I laugh giving Hobie another bite.

"Thanks luv." Hobie says.

After they left me and Hobie chilled, eating more cookies. It was getting dark out, right now I'm watching him drink his evening tea. He has to have tea at least four times a day to function I swear.

"Lovely." He smiles taking a sip.

"You always look so calm drinking tea. But I have a question." I say.

You Delinquent Little Punk |Hobie Brown X Reader|Where stories live. Discover now