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SUBJECT CODE: OPO21184CLASSIFICATION: Deep Dark ClassDANGER CATEGORY: 5 (Risk of Death and Permanent Injury)

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DANGER CATEGORY: 5 (Risk of Death and Permanent Injury)


OPO21184 is a hybrid of the beast that lurks in the Deep Dark (in mythology, at least)- a warden.

Its abilities include incredibly advanced hearing, the ability to infect organisms and turn them into a sculk-covered mess, and the ability to let out an ear-splitting screech that, depending on the severity of the attack, can cause severe injury ranging from a mild headache to permanent loss of hearing and even death.

It is, however, incredibly sensitive to light, and as a result its enclosure is lit up at all times to weaken it.


-Numbing of OPO21184's vocal chords so it can make little to no sound
-A mask (similar to a gas-mask) that distorts any sound it creates


Pixl Riffs (Newly-Promoted Scientist, Staff Member)


-Low light level
-Filled with plants for OPO21184 to infect with sculk
-Sources of entertainment (things for OPO21184 to play with- it seems to greatly enjoy attempting to use musical instruments)
-Some form of background noise at all times

OPO21184'S CURRENT SURROUNDINGS (For Optimal Experiment Results and The Safety Of Our Staff):

-High light level
-Empty room
-Flashing lights to disorient it
-Occasional sources of entertainment

FINDINGS DURING EXPERIMENTATION: (1= experiments before OPO21184 was under the management of Pixl Riffs, and 2= any experiments done after Pixl Riffs began to manage the experiments)

-OPO21184 is much more cooperative in experiments when music is playing (2)

-The scales lining its body are not fireproof (1)

-It can look directly at a bright light (the lights disorienting it, it never looks right at) for 8-11 seconds before passing out- it will remain unconscious for 4-5 hours (1)

-OPO21184 never sleeps- it seems to have some fear surrounding doing so (it is believed that this is because it was sleeping when it was first contained and brought to R.O.S.O) (1/2)

-As a result, it has to be sedated every night to make it sleep, for its own health and safety. This normally causes it to be more erratic and unpredictable the next day (1)

-OPO21184 has the ability to regenerate limbs after they have been removed (1)

-OPO21184 was the first experiment to attempt to name itself. By allowing OPP21184 to point at a letter and then at names beginning with that letter, the nickname 'Oli' has been given to the specimen (2)

-OPO21184 can hold its breath underwater for a similar length of time to a human, only the water surrounding it becomes more dark as it struggles to hold its breath (1)

-OPO21184 responds negatively to most poisons/toxins apart from sculk-based ones- although poisons/toxins that should be fatal instead just make it severely ill (1)

-The only time it has come close to death after being made to consume a poison is when the poison's base is made of elements of plants in the torchflower family (Pixl Riffs suspects this is because of the light torchflowers emit) (1)

-OPO21184 does very well in social situations where it has been made to interact with other specimens (2)

-OPO21184 has fairly resistant skin, having only faint scarring in response to the most severe of wounds (1)

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